This is a really crappy week. The only good thing about it is the fact that my super annoying roommate is now gone. Never have to deal with her again. On the down side of that she completely screwed me over when it came to rent for this month, so now I'm working 12 days straight, 10 and 11 hour days, one day off and 6 more days after that. Add on top of that a wonderful cold and this is just great!
My sister has only been up here for a few months, but since I have been working so much and she is so lonely sitting at the apartment by herself she is moving back to Arkansas. they already bought her a plan ticket back. She leaves on Thursday at 4 am from the Seattle airport. I think i'll sacrifice some hours and take Wednesday off to spend time with her before she goes.
Needless to say I'm pretty devastated about this. I love that girl like crazy and I wanted so badly for her to be up here. Now she's leaving. I didn't even get to do anything fun with her really (except take her to meet Rosie) My stupid job took up ALL my time. I feel like a crappy sister for always leaving her at home to work all day and making her feel so lonely. Of course, I understand why she wants to leave and I would never hold it against her, but it breaks my heart.
I just got paid today but after I pay all the bills I NEED to pay right now (not including the ones that can wait) I will have about $30 to my name for the next two weeks.
I am SOOO stressing about everything right now. I'm hoping this will all sort itself out very soon.
On the bright side I'll be shooting towards the end of this month! I need to collaborate with a certain cutie to work out a multi-set with her.
And my boyfriend moves in with me at the end of the month as well.
Other than that there's not too much to update you guys about. Just working and stressing out as of late.
Since I'm here might as well promote a couple sets I think are fantastic and need to hit FP asap
Rosie's The Hustler
Cadavre's The Dreaming
Hemi's Cloud Nine
Caia's Afternoon Break
And let's not forget my set (which I know needs improvement, but am so happy it's done as good as it has)
Date night
Until next time
My sister has only been up here for a few months, but since I have been working so much and she is so lonely sitting at the apartment by herself she is moving back to Arkansas. they already bought her a plan ticket back. She leaves on Thursday at 4 am from the Seattle airport. I think i'll sacrifice some hours and take Wednesday off to spend time with her before she goes.
Needless to say I'm pretty devastated about this. I love that girl like crazy and I wanted so badly for her to be up here. Now she's leaving. I didn't even get to do anything fun with her really (except take her to meet Rosie) My stupid job took up ALL my time. I feel like a crappy sister for always leaving her at home to work all day and making her feel so lonely. Of course, I understand why she wants to leave and I would never hold it against her, but it breaks my heart.
I just got paid today but after I pay all the bills I NEED to pay right now (not including the ones that can wait) I will have about $30 to my name for the next two weeks.
I am SOOO stressing about everything right now. I'm hoping this will all sort itself out very soon.
On the bright side I'll be shooting towards the end of this month! I need to collaborate with a certain cutie to work out a multi-set with her.
And my boyfriend moves in with me at the end of the month as well.
Other than that there's not too much to update you guys about. Just working and stressing out as of late.
Since I'm here might as well promote a couple sets I think are fantastic and need to hit FP asap
Rosie's The Hustler
Cadavre's The Dreaming
Hemi's Cloud Nine
Caia's Afternoon Break
And let's not forget my set (which I know needs improvement, but am so happy it's done as good as it has)
Date night
Until next time

If you wanna kick it for a beer, I think I can afford the drive
keep the chin up and stay strong!

Just love the sentence on your profile