chocolate dipped cheesecake = yumm
Aligator tastes like chicken
went on a drive to mt Rainer, where my friend took sneak pictures of me driving, and the view was incredible
(pictures will be in my attachment folder)
On Tuesday I went down to Oregon with C, for his daughters 2nd birthday.
I had yummy chocolate cake

And his daughter took a sneak picture of me with my phone

This is the old cat that live's at C's parents house... He never has his tongue not out

I had a great time with him, and felt so welcomed by his parents (where we stayed)
Btw, he is a sex god. Or a machine..... not sure what is more appropriate, but he just doesn't stop going, and I LOVE it.
On the way home, we stopped at Voodoo doughnuts

The cock and balls doughnut has cream filling

I mentioned in my previous blog that my sister was going through some crappy shit, and that I was sick. Both of those things have been taken care of. Well for the most part.
My sister was in a mental health hospital because she was threatening to kill herself. She is out now, and the trip I was planning on taking to go out and see them is definitely on.
As for me being sick, I had a bladder infection that wasn't going away with the home remedies, and so I had to go to a doctor. $150 (that I can't afford to spend) later I have antibiotics and it'll be taken care of. So that's good.
Last night I went out with some "friends", more like acquaintances, but whatever. I had fun. Played beer pong for the first time. Won the first three games, had way more to drink than I usually do, and then we all played apples to apples. It was a fun night.

I had some fun with my makeup yesterday... it's not something I would wear often, but it was fun for one day

(sorry for the terrible quality pictures)
And now a couple funny things regarding my nephew
"Hey. We hear you like trucks, so we put a truck on your truck.

I believe he wanted some goldfish....

In other news, C is still making me incredibly happy. I AM falling for him. It terrifies me, because I am so used to getting hurt. I told him this and his response was:
The fear is only going to hold you back, jump and I will catch you.
I care about you a lot, and have fallen hard.
that's how I can promise that I'd catch you, because I'm already down here.
I can't believe how much I feel for him already. I am content just sitting near him. When I think of him or hear from him my face lights up with a huge smile. I can honestly say I am terrified and satisfied at the same time.
I foresee good thing in our future.
I better get off my lazy but and do some housework, since we're having people over tomorrow for a 4th of July BBQ and fireworks on the lake, and the house is a disaster
Hope everyone had a great weekend