While I sit here drinking my coffee I am stressing out a bit.... Last night I was supposed to get all the gear and food that doesn't need to be cold packed up, all I managed to get done was my clothes.... So I have to scramble to get the rest of stuff for camping packed up :/ and I am sitting here wasting my time on here and doing Suduko puzzles on FB....
Can you say procrastinator?
But even though I am sitting here stressing about camping stuff, I have the biggest smile on my face. I can't say I can remember a time when I have been this happy in awhile.
Things with C are going insanely well. It's only been a short time, but I think this definitely has the potential to be amazing. He gives me butterflies, yet I can talk to him. The only thing is that with how ALL of my previous relationships have gone, I keep finding myself waiting for the other shoe to drop. Things seem to good to be real, but I KNOW there are decent (even good) people in the world. I think I found one.
Last night I talked to him about it, and even went as far as to tell him I was scared because I could see myself falling for him if things continued the way they are going. He replied with "I'll fall for you if you fall for me"
It was sweet... and made my stomach do flip-flops.... In an incredibly good way.
Well I need to go pack stuff up, the roomie is ready. More coffee, and packing woot!
Love you all.
I'll be gone this afternoon, but only for a few days. Back Wednesday
Everything is packed except the cold food. The truck is getting an oil change right now, then we pack the cold food and head out. I am SO excited to go get rained on while I sleep in a tent. You might think that's sarcasm, but it's not
I LOVE camping.
I'll take lots of pretty pictures. And then Sometime later this week they will be up. It might not be til Friday though, since when I get back i'll be spending time with the guy.
I just realized my account expires next month. perhaps I will have to fix that, but with only having cash (and not much of it) I dunno how well that will work
I need to go finish getting myself ready... I want to at least start off the trip looking nice.
Can you say procrastinator?
But even though I am sitting here stressing about camping stuff, I have the biggest smile on my face. I can't say I can remember a time when I have been this happy in awhile.
Things with C are going insanely well. It's only been a short time, but I think this definitely has the potential to be amazing. He gives me butterflies, yet I can talk to him. The only thing is that with how ALL of my previous relationships have gone, I keep finding myself waiting for the other shoe to drop. Things seem to good to be real, but I KNOW there are decent (even good) people in the world. I think I found one.
Last night I talked to him about it, and even went as far as to tell him I was scared because I could see myself falling for him if things continued the way they are going. He replied with "I'll fall for you if you fall for me"
It was sweet... and made my stomach do flip-flops.... In an incredibly good way.
Well I need to go pack stuff up, the roomie is ready. More coffee, and packing woot!
Love you all.
I'll be gone this afternoon, but only for a few days. Back Wednesday
Everything is packed except the cold food. The truck is getting an oil change right now, then we pack the cold food and head out. I am SO excited to go get rained on while I sleep in a tent. You might think that's sarcasm, but it's not

I'll take lots of pretty pictures. And then Sometime later this week they will be up. It might not be til Friday though, since when I get back i'll be spending time with the guy.
I just realized my account expires next month. perhaps I will have to fix that, but with only having cash (and not much of it) I dunno how well that will work
I need to go finish getting myself ready... I want to at least start off the trip looking nice.

I went camping about a month ago. It was definitely not for me. I didn't get my tent set up right so I froze my first night. Got sun burnt and then got rained on. I might go again but definitely will need some more experienced campers to help me out.
have fun!!