Well I am STILL sick. Yeah I know, ridiculous. It feels like what ever it is has moved into my chest and is refusing to move out. Mayhaps I should go take some musinex?
I don't have a whole heck of a lot to say, but I really wanna share with all of you the pictures I took while at the zoo on Sunday. I'll get to that in minute.
I'm hoping to feel a bit better by Monday, since I have a shoot with Audrisa that day. (I'm going either way, so don't you worry lovelies)
Speaking of the loverly Audrisa you should check out her set Vintage Kenmore and leave it all the love it deserves!

I mean look at her? How could you NOT love her?
HMMMMM is there anything else to say?
I am feeling kinda lonely lately. Scratch that. VERY LONELY. I miss having someone to care about, and who cares about me. *sigh* I'll get over it, just sucks right now.
Zoo pictures
I don't have a whole heck of a lot to say, but I really wanna share with all of you the pictures I took while at the zoo on Sunday. I'll get to that in minute.
I'm hoping to feel a bit better by Monday, since I have a shoot with Audrisa that day. (I'm going either way, so don't you worry lovelies)
Speaking of the loverly Audrisa you should check out her set Vintage Kenmore and leave it all the love it deserves!

I mean look at her? How could you NOT love her?
HMMMMM is there anything else to say?
I am feeling kinda lonely lately. Scratch that. VERY LONELY. I miss having someone to care about, and who cares about me. *sigh* I'll get over it, just sucks right now.
Zoo pictures
Oh hey, I forgot to post these before... so here ya go
The first one in the black and white one I look pretty goofy.... but whatev
Oh hey, look we have a HUGE thing of rum!
I do believe It is time for some apple rum and raspberry juice. and in a bit maybe some ice cream. Or perhaps I'll just have the ice cream now, and no rum? Choices, choices.
One last thing before I go:
Thank you for making that for me honey. I want to wreak havoc at the zoo! FEEL BETTER! See you Monday! Nekked time YEAH!
Hope your feeling better. Have a great day