This is what I looked like the day before the walk. With no make-up and being sick, I figured I looked pretty zombie-like already

On Friday I went to the Zombie Walk with the amazing Cadavre and a few of her friends. When she picked me up she surprised me with some cute little presents: a stuffed giraffe, a giraffe stained glass thing(that i get to paint myself) and a really pretty heart shaped little box that she painted by herself that held two giraffe pins inside of it. We went to her house and started the process of getting gorey. Part of this process allowed me to rip her clothes, which I have to admit was so very hot. We then threw fake blood on each other and were off to the walk.
I ended up running into someone I used to work with and who was a roommate of mine for a couple months. It was a super fun time and there were zombies everywhere. I was going to wait to blog about it until I got the pictures that Cadavre took, but due to Google search I was able to find some pretty awesome photos of the event (some even include me).
So here goes:
(Proceed with caution; photo heavy)
Yesterday the roomies and I went to the dump and then the grocery store. (exciting right?!?!?) Well I happened to have taken my camera with me (which Jess is giving me so much shit about. lmao) and got some cool photos while I waited for her at the dump/while we ate lunch/while we were driving/in the store(ok I'm pretty sure you get my point, I went photo crazy)
On the way home from the store we stopped at a classic car show
On the ride home I snapped a few photos out the window as we drove....
Last night we had nachos!!!!
Today I went to the zoo, but I have yet to get those pictures off my camera. I'll have them probably tomorrow.
Last but not least I have some funny photos. This is what happens when My friend and I talk on skype when I am way too hyper and eating dinner:
Oh and hey....
Well, I suppose this blog is long enough, and has enough photos in it. I hope you all enjoyed it. Looking through it I can't help but giggle.
Love you all
Looks like you had fun on your walk, the costumes looked great. The car show looked nice too. Hope you had a great weekend.