It was fun to go out with them after they were gone all weekend and with the weekend I had it was nice to laugh and joke with them again. They can almost always cheer me up

This is going to be a photo blog.... but all I had with me was my crappy camera phone, so excuse the sorry quality of pictures
*EDIT* I decided to spoiler this section.... It was really long
It was a really fun outing... I look forward to getting my new camera, so when I feel like documenting my night i'll have better quality photos to share
I guess I'm pretty much a lightweight still.... After just that one Maitai and a few drinks of the AMF I was pretty buzzed. I came home and skyped with my friend Jordan, who's up in Canada. He kept taking some pretty funny screenshots of me goofing off... I'll share 'em with ya, maybe laughing at my ridiculousness will help make someone's day better
Finally, I am back into the sexy theme pictures.... today anyway
Topless Tuesday
Hope everyone enjoys the day, and to all you Washingtonians, the sun (yes.. we have sun )
As always, much and
to you all