Last week was so dang busy for me... But I have a couple days before I get real busy again. Luckily I don't have to babysit as much as I did before, but I am going almost as soon as I'm off work (probably close to everyday this week) to go help my ex's mom get her house in order before she has surgery on her shoulder to remove the bone spurs. I think I'd rather be babysitting, At least I'd be getting paid to be working.
But, she needs help, and I'm too nice of a person to turn her down. So this coming week I am sad to say I'll probably be just as non-existent around here.
I got the book I had been waiting on the library to get in for months now. I think when I put a hold on it, I was like 80th in line or something ridiculous like that. Well I got it on Tuesday, only read it on Wednesday and Friday, and the last chapter yesterday. I guess you could say i devour books. I am slightly sad it's over so fast after waiting for so long, but it was a great book. And now I'm on to the next series I had also been waiting for awhile to read. Hopefully this book is just as good... I know I'll probably be done with it in the next few days, but that's ok, because I have three other books waiting for me on my dresser, and one more I have to go pick up from the library.
I had a pretty good weekend. This last week of babysitting gave me a pretty hefty sum of cash, and I kinda wanna go shopping, but I know it's better if I save up my money. *le sigh* that's what I get for being responsible.
I had curry on Friday, and it was delicious. I LOVE curry, and am very sad that I waited so long to actually try it. I have the same feelings about guacamole. I'm trying to be more adventurous in my food eating, because well I bet I'm missing out on a bunch of yummy foods that I haven't tried for one reason or another.
I feel very unmotivated to look into school stuff.... I know I need to get on it, but it kinda seems like a daunting task. I need proof that I wasn't under my mothers guardianship so that I can file independently for financial aide, but I'm not sure if it's still around. I hate complicated things and mostly I kinda feel like giving up. But I'm not going to do that.
Also, I really wanna go bowling. Anyone wanna go to the dollar glow bowling with me in Tacoma tomorrow night? It would be spectacular (plus I kinda suck at bowling, so you'd probably win)
I am off to listen to update my Ipod and listen to some music while I get some housework done, in the meantime if you guys haven't left love on THIS set yet, GO DO IT!!!!
dang you sg site, you have sidetracked me from getting things done yet again