Wow I managed to go almost a whole week without blogging
If I had something incredibly interesting to say, I definitely would've shared.
So, as promised (even though it's a day late) pics of my hair are to follow.
*DISCLAIMER* I am not wearing any make-up in these photos... so excuse my lack of prettyness. Also in some i am half asleep.... so excuse my groggyness

If I had something incredibly interesting to say, I definitely would've shared.
So, as promised (even though it's a day late) pics of my hair are to follow.
*DISCLAIMER* I am not wearing any make-up in these photos... so excuse my lack of prettyness. Also in some i am half asleep.... so excuse my groggyness
Like I said up there ^^^ please forgive my non-make-uped and groggy self
One last thing as I part for the day
Yesterday I was tied to a liberator cushion for the first time in my life and it wasn't even very thrilling.
Yeah, I got tied up by the six year old I babysit. These were his words:
I have to tie you up so you can never leave, cuz I don't want you to go home
Yeah, that's right when I deny marriage proposals from 6 year olds I get tied up....
Luckily I escaped
Yeah you look good without make up. I bet it feels better too. I know when I wear make up I feel like everone is staring at me... Maybe it's the goatee?
Cool blonde and black.