To Afghanistan.
Two weeks earlier than planned.
A huge disappointment for them. A happy fucking occasion for me.
Not only do I get to keep my friend here in the U.S. with me, but (and mind you I am saddened for her husband) since he is leaving this Friday, he can't got to the Coheed and Cambria concert they bought tickets for while ago.
Guess what that mean folks? I get to go in his place. I am so dang excited about it.

I've wanted to see them for a very long time (over 5 years to be exact) I almost got to see them last year, when they came to the Puyallup fair, but we couldn't afford tickets and my(at the time) lovely boyfriend decided to take me to the fair the day they played. So that was pretty lame.
So on top of two huge pieces of good news (for me anyway) I had a great weekend having the house to myself, even though I wasn't here a good portion of that time, and I couldn't go get my books I wanted.
This coming week I'll not be on here as much as I usually am, due to the fact I'll be watching kids all day practically for five days straight. And since I'll have to be getting up pretty early in case I have to make a 40 minute walk at 6 in the morning, it means I'll be going to bed quite early.
So this next week will suck and at the same time rock. I will be picking up hair dye, and doing spectacular things to my hair, and hopefully getting it cut again. What am I going to do to it you ask? Well, you'll just have to wait and see.
For those of you who follow my blogs on a regular (or even fairly regular) basis, you know I've been having some mixed emotions when it comes to my ex. I'm sure most of you (especially those of you who had been reading what I was posting back in November when I was going through the break-up) will be happy to know I figured things out. There is nothing in the world that can get me back together with him, I believe I was just letting the fact that I am lonely and miss having someone cloud my judgment when it came to interpreting how I felt.
And while I'm on the topic of being lonely, I must go ahead and admit that when I happen to find someone I like, I tend to get a bit excited about it. It is something that I should probably work on. I think I scare away any dates I get.... Which isn't a whole lot to begin with, since I don't go out too often.
And I believe that is enough gushing about that.
So I suppose it'd be best to let Him get a hold of me, if and when he wants to get together again.
It's only 7:18 and I am kinda sleepy. Also, my feet are very cold, but I don't feel like going to get socks to put on. If I had a book to read, now would be the time I'd say "Goodnight SG, I think I will go read for a bit and then got to bed, since I have to be up pretty early." (OK I DO have a book to read, but I'm just not that into it...)
Maybe I'll pop in a movie instead.... Or maybe I'll visit with all you wonderful people a bit more.
Hugs and kisses to all
P.S. I just read this poem, and even though it's (In my humble opinion) a bit shallow (what with focusing on the fact that whoever this poem was written for is beautiful), it is really sweet, and kinda made me a bit sad, since I don't have anyone to say things like this to me, and I miss that so much.
*sigh* Another down night? Blah
Here it is: