The book i've been waiting to come into the library for a VERY LONG TIME is finally in.... and it's my weekend of solitude which means i can't go get it

this really puts a damper on today.
*sigh* i suppose i will just have to watch movies instead.... or maybe go for a walk, it's very nice outside
(or more likely i'll be on here...)
So my amazing friends on here, i have a bit of exciting news... well for me it's exciting....
I am still debating whether or not i should post about it... since i dunno how posting about it will go over... so until i decide, just know my weekend is going swimmingly (aside from the not having a book tragedy)
Also, this is very random, but i really want a bubble bath.... we only have a shower, so no bath for me
(yes, this is probably the most random blog i have put up, but my lack of sleep last night, combined with my lack of coffee today has made me have the attention span of.... something with a short attention span)
I am off to my friend's place, since I never see her I am letting her steal the last day I would have the house to myself...
Goodnight SGland, I will miss you! And even though my webcam is taking shitty pictures right now, I'll leave you with these goodnight photos

this really puts a damper on today.
*sigh* i suppose i will just have to watch movies instead.... or maybe go for a walk, it's very nice outside
(or more likely i'll be on here...)
So my amazing friends on here, i have a bit of exciting news... well for me it's exciting....
I am still debating whether or not i should post about it... since i dunno how posting about it will go over... so until i decide, just know my weekend is going swimmingly (aside from the not having a book tragedy)
Also, this is very random, but i really want a bubble bath.... we only have a shower, so no bath for me

(yes, this is probably the most random blog i have put up, but my lack of sleep last night, combined with my lack of coffee today has made me have the attention span of.... something with a short attention span)
I am off to my friend's place, since I never see her I am letting her steal the last day I would have the house to myself...
Goodnight SGland, I will miss you! And even though my webcam is taking shitty pictures right now, I'll leave you with these goodnight photos
whats up loveyyy