I hope everyone's weekend was spectacular! Mine was pretty darn good
I had a fantastic night last night, but will be keeping that to myself. Just know, it was awesome, and be happy for me, cuz I am quite happy.
And now, onward to what I really wanna blog about... nonsense!
So I was talking to someone the other day about how I get to watch Elmo with my nephew, and often too.
I then informed them that the person who does Elmo's voice is this guy:
Don't believe me?
Maybe this will help?
It's crazy I know.
Every time I watch Elmo now, all I can picture is Kevin Clash (that's his name) crouching behind whatever Elmo is in front of. It makes watching Elmo really interesting.
And now that the nonsense is out of the way, on to real life.
My septum has to be the easiest piercing I've ever gotten. Besides the freak out when actually getting it pierced, there has been nothing. Not really any pain, it can move around and doesn't bother me, it's so easy to have. The only time I even notice it is when I sleep, because I end up snuggling down into my pillow, which then hurts like a bitch. I'm so happy I got it, and still so completely giddy about it.
Well I believe my sleepy lack of coffee induced rambling has come to an end. Hope everyone's start of the week goes smoothly!
Hugs and kisses to all
I hope everyone's weekend was spectacular! Mine was pretty darn good

I had a fantastic night last night, but will be keeping that to myself. Just know, it was awesome, and be happy for me, cuz I am quite happy.
And now, onward to what I really wanna blog about... nonsense!
So I was talking to someone the other day about how I get to watch Elmo with my nephew, and often too.
I then informed them that the person who does Elmo's voice is this guy:

Don't believe me?
Maybe this will help?
It's crazy I know.
Every time I watch Elmo now, all I can picture is Kevin Clash (that's his name) crouching behind whatever Elmo is in front of. It makes watching Elmo really interesting.
And now that the nonsense is out of the way, on to real life.
My septum has to be the easiest piercing I've ever gotten. Besides the freak out when actually getting it pierced, there has been nothing. Not really any pain, it can move around and doesn't bother me, it's so easy to have. The only time I even notice it is when I sleep, because I end up snuggling down into my pillow, which then hurts like a bitch. I'm so happy I got it, and still so completely giddy about it.
Well I believe my sleepy lack of coffee induced rambling has come to an end. Hope everyone's start of the week goes smoothly!
Hugs and kisses to all
but i love it! haha big man with tiny elmo voice!