thank you everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes. i had a blast. i had a few good friends come out, had a few good drinks, and than my other friend came out and kept getting me drink after drink untill i was drunk enough to get up on the dance floor and dance, and anyone who knows me knows that if i'm drunk enough to dance than i'm TOO drunk to dance. the night ended.... well i honestly cannot remember, but i've heard the abridged version. lets just say next time i won't have 9 drinks in about 4 hours.....
my version of the night goes like this;
*bar one: chocolate cake shot, fruity vodka drink, lamb skewers
*bar two: root beer float drink
*bar three: dinner (patty melt and garlic fries) and a drink called the fuzzy scqautch
*bar four(and final bar): chris shows up and starts ordering me drinks;
a porn star, something else that's nice and fruity, a cherry bomb, a black opal, and (i guess but don't remember) an audios motherfucker. and i believe there was another drink after that that i didn't finish
about halfway through the black opal i got up and danced with my friend naomi, than sat down and a few minutes later got up and danced again. as soon as i stood up i was falling over so she made me sit down and that's the last thing i remember till taking out my contacts in my bathroom at home, sitting on the floor and feeling sick. i know my pants got taken off cuz i had thrown up on them. then i wake up in the morning.
what a great recollection of my birthday right?
now the little details i don't remember
i was being held up by my friend naomi (who is not much bigger than me, and only bigger in the sence that she is taller) i apparently was grabbing her ass the whole time, i tried to snatch some guys hat off his head, and i guess i tried giving him and the bouncer my number. i got put into my friend's car to be taken to the car i was going home in, i WAS NOT even able to sit up straight at this time. i got caried from one car to another, threw up on my leg in our car, and slept on my friends hand on the way home, which made it very hard for her to switch gears
needless to say no more drinking for me for awhile
my version of the night goes like this;
*bar one: chocolate cake shot, fruity vodka drink, lamb skewers
*bar two: root beer float drink
*bar three: dinner (patty melt and garlic fries) and a drink called the fuzzy scqautch
*bar four(and final bar): chris shows up and starts ordering me drinks;
a porn star, something else that's nice and fruity, a cherry bomb, a black opal, and (i guess but don't remember) an audios motherfucker. and i believe there was another drink after that that i didn't finish
about halfway through the black opal i got up and danced with my friend naomi, than sat down and a few minutes later got up and danced again. as soon as i stood up i was falling over so she made me sit down and that's the last thing i remember till taking out my contacts in my bathroom at home, sitting on the floor and feeling sick. i know my pants got taken off cuz i had thrown up on them. then i wake up in the morning.
what a great recollection of my birthday right?
now the little details i don't remember
i was being held up by my friend naomi (who is not much bigger than me, and only bigger in the sence that she is taller) i apparently was grabbing her ass the whole time, i tried to snatch some guys hat off his head, and i guess i tried giving him and the bouncer my number. i got put into my friend's car to be taken to the car i was going home in, i WAS NOT even able to sit up straight at this time. i got caried from one car to another, threw up on my leg in our car, and slept on my friends hand on the way home, which made it very hard for her to switch gears
needless to say no more drinking for me for awhile
Do you need me to come over and take care of you?