but i think i'm in a *screw it* type of mood so i'll just go ahead and update you all

first off, i am having a fantastic holiday season! yes i know i was sulking three weeks ago, but things havent been better in a long time. yes i miss being with someone, sharing a bond, cuddling, that kinda thing, but i'm happier, so therefore better off
i have a few xmas type parties i'm going to in the coming week. sat i get to go to a dirty xmas party, complete with pornographic pictionary and a contest for the dirtiest/most over the top white elephant gift.
than the day after (sunday) i'm going to a much more g rated party. a cookie party. apparently there will be cookies everywhere, all kinds and sizes. i'm so excited especially since i'm able to eat again
the other day i went on a date, and it was pretty fun, but won't lead anywhere. he's in the army and is leaving in under a month to a new station in Virginia. but he's a pretty cool and sweet guy, so at least i made a new friend out of the deal
last night at the store the guy ringing up all of our goodies was totaly checking me out, and it was nice. i get to the door(which is on the opposite side of the store) and my friend suggests i give him my number, what the hell right? i had paper and a pen on me so i jotted it down real quick, told her i'd meet her at the car, and walked up, handed it to him (whithout even a word lol, thats how slick i am) and walked off.
now, i didn;t expect to hear a thing from this (really cute) guy, but later on i get a text from him, and i'm pretty sure we're going out tomorrow... guess it doesn't hurt to put yourself out there once in awhile
today was not quite so exciting, but productive none-the-less. i cleaned the house a bit, and abked yummy things
pumpkin cookies with a cream cheese glaze:
i also made stuffed shells for dinner, but i didn't take a picture of them
the other day jessica and i made truffles
we'll be making more soon. they have peppermint schnapps in them, and the next one's will be coated in a white chocolate dip, and have red stipres and colored sugar, because we like our food to be pretty
i also made some fudge today for steve's potluck at work tomorrow, and will be making more for xmas.
after reading Jensen's how-to blog on ornaments i had a little kid moment and just couldn't not make them. i still have a lot to paint, but i'll share one of my favorites so far
zombie snowman
in other news, i got a new piercing not to long ago, walked in to bring my piercer(chris) some cookies, and he pretty much insisted on getting me a new piercing. (he knows the situation i was in and wanted to do something to cheer me up)
so i got this pretty little thing
it was a surprise, i was going to get my industrial, but i guess my ears to little so he did this instead(with my permission to surprise me)
It's my BIRTHDAY coming up the big 21
and i'm going out and having a blast. i even got a shirt to wear the night of
anyway i think i have rambled enough for one night
so i leave you with a cute picture of josh, doing his new trick (that he learned courtesy of yours truly)