Hello my kittens!
It has been far too long since I've written you a blog! please accept my sincerest apologies and have a picture of my tushy:
What have you been up to? I've not been up to all that much. Mostly enjoying our lovely autumn Vancouver weather.
@stormyent and I have the prettiest multi that just went into member review yesterday! It was shot by our very own @psypher and it was so much fun. We shot it in the summer time at lynn canyon creek here in Vancouver. That water was so cold and because of that, the snuggles you see in the multi are incredibly genuine! If you feel so inclined, we'd love your kind words on it. <3! Blue is the Warmest Colour
At the beginning of December, @dwam and I had Cat from Hell go live on the front page as set of the day! Thank you to those that perved on it <3

@paloma and I have something so lovely coming your way VERY soon. Keep your eyes peeled for this;
Aaaaaand @thelabrat and I shot something super interesting and sexy for your guys during the YVR shootfest so keep an eye out for this too;
Okay! That's about all! I hope you sweet cats and kittens have a lovely holiday season and I hope that you get to spend it with the people you love and admire.<3
Xoxo Ceres