I'm posting this blog because I need everyone to understand how much fun I had at Vancouver Fan Expo on Saturday April 21st with Tita, Aadie, Cruella, Rydell, Harajuku, Peatrie and Yulia! It was my first time meeting these lovely ladies and I just have to say that each one of them is so incredibly beautiful and great to be around!
The photos from that weekend just keep pouring in, so i'll share a few with you right now. But keep your eyes peeled for more!

I met so many amazing people and saw so much great cos playing! eep! it was so rad!
What else have i been doing?
NOTHING! I've had the laziest past few weeks. I can't seem to stop sleeping. I sleep at least 10 hours through the night and then I nap for 3-4 during the day. It's not healthy, but I just can't manage to stay awake. Even right now as I'm writing this I'll probably end up napping before I finish.
What little time i do spend awake, I spend perving on the sexy ladies of SG. But who doesnt!?
To all you sweet people that live in Vancouver and the surrounding areas:
I'm wondering if anyone has a cool house (particularly a bathtub or shower) that they'd be willing to lend P_mod and I on May 17th to shoot a set! My house is in no way fit for anyone to ever take photos of it. I'm hoping that someone else might live in a groovy apartment or something and wouldn't mind me running around naked in their place!
Dwam, Georjah and I are also looking for an outdoor location around the same date if anyone has any ideas or suggestions!
When my body finally decides to spend some time awake - I'm going to start doing crafts. I'm really into DIY right now and I'd like to spend time doing some of these neat things:
I'm posting this blog because I need everyone to understand how much fun I had at Vancouver Fan Expo on Saturday April 21st with Tita, Aadie, Cruella, Rydell, Harajuku, Peatrie and Yulia! It was my first time meeting these lovely ladies and I just have to say that each one of them is so incredibly beautiful and great to be around!
The photos from that weekend just keep pouring in, so i'll share a few with you right now. But keep your eyes peeled for more!

I met so many amazing people and saw so much great cos playing! eep! it was so rad!
What else have i been doing?
NOTHING! I've had the laziest past few weeks. I can't seem to stop sleeping. I sleep at least 10 hours through the night and then I nap for 3-4 during the day. It's not healthy, but I just can't manage to stay awake. Even right now as I'm writing this I'll probably end up napping before I finish.
What little time i do spend awake, I spend perving on the sexy ladies of SG. But who doesnt!?
To all you sweet people that live in Vancouver and the surrounding areas:
I'm wondering if anyone has a cool house (particularly a bathtub or shower) that they'd be willing to lend P_mod and I on May 17th to shoot a set! My house is in no way fit for anyone to ever take photos of it. I'm hoping that someone else might live in a groovy apartment or something and wouldn't mind me running around naked in their place!
Dwam, Georjah and I are also looking for an outdoor location around the same date if anyone has any ideas or suggestions!
When my body finally decides to spend some time awake - I'm going to start doing crafts. I'm really into DIY right now and I'd like to spend time doing some of these neat things:
anyways, it's nap time!
follow me on Instagram @ceresleigh for more frequent photo updates!
xoxo Ceres