It's been a long time since I've done a real update - and for that I am sorry.
How is everyone doing?
I'm doing good. The weather is starting to get nice here so I've been spending a lot of time outdoors. Laying in my back yard, having bonfires, bike riding, bbq-ing, painting, tie dying. It been lovely.
Anyways, I think pictures speak better then words so sit tight, cause here comes a giant photo-overload.
So in my last real update back in like february, I mentioned that I started hair school and that I didn't like it. Well, I tried to stay with it because I figured that it would get better and I would start to enjoy it. That didn't happen. So for those of you that don't already know, I dropped out and I've never been more happy with a decision.
I'm still living in the place that my boyfriend and I moved into. We love it here. It's no nice to have a big backyard and a fire pit. And I love being broke. I mean, I don't love it. But it's nice to finally feel like an adult.
Heres a collection of photos i like:
My two favourite songs right now:
if you put up with the first 34 seconds of this video, the rest is so worth it!
I guess that's it, but I'll leave you with a photo of me and Soda <3
xoxo Ceres
follow me on Instagram @ceresleigh for more frequent photo updates!