i canceled my account because i'm kind of poor right now and i wasn't getting much out of SG anyway.

if you want me back badly enough you can buy me a gift account. otherwise, au revoir. maybe i'll be back one day.
so no topless pics? frown
today one of my best friends left me a voicemail that, i swear to god, made me cry. it was the last thing i expected to hear, but sometimes hearing that someone - anyone - is confident that you have the ability to change the world at precisely the time you thought you'd hear a banal sort of "call me back when you get a...
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i figure that i'll leave a photo post for the end of the summer, as i rarely do anything of interest anyway. it will serve as a summer wrap-up of sorts.

i moved to boca raton and i can't even tell you how much it sucks. sarasota is paradise in comparison, and, needless to say, i am looking forward to going back to school.

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why the hell did you move to boca raton? that's nothing but old folks. lol. a friend of mine grew up there. he hated it but his family ran a restaurant there. dont remember the name though. and you're not missing much in sarasota area. it's been raining every fucking day.
Boca sucks but i hope you find what your looking for!
all i've got to say is that i don't know what i will do if i don't find myself trashed beyond recognition tomorrow night, considering that it's crush and i'm seeing jackie and erin which is ALWAYS fantastic.

...and considering the fact that i'm alternately pathetic and horrible, and the fact that i'm so goddamned conflicted, AND the fact that it's 6am and i'm hard-pressed...
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super-short update: life hasn't been that great. well, in some ways it has, but in other ways it's either sucked or been fuckin' weird.

so today i took my usual approach to solving problems: freaking out, getting shit settled, feeling anti-social, but then going out and getting smashed with friends.

yay for going to crush, and for vodka.

i'll make a real post later. with...
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july has not been that fun this year.......must be all that global warming......
i went on my date last night, which has left me feeling kind of like this:

biggrin love wink

yep. his ability to drink vodka tonics and quote "annie hall" with me is unparalleled. he also lent me his copy of "woody allen on woody allen." i additionally spent the night with him and somehow managed to hold off on fucking him. that was a challenge!

there is...
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good job on the date!! smile i dont know this "mr. big" though......
Awww the Mr. Big! Fucking sweet. Congrats hun. How do you avoid sex with someone who you hit it off with like that?

[Edited on Jun 06, 2006 5:42PM]
ahh! i am in a state of ridiculous excitement currently.

in my last journal post i mentioned that natalia told me to message one of her friends on myspace in an attempt to hook us up with one another. after i was finally able to access myspace, and after far too much deliberation, i sent him a really awful introductory message complete with an apology...
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greetings and best of luck with your myspace crush!!!

i totally met my girl of one year online, far more dorkily than your story. it can be awesome and regardless is always best to hang sooner than later. anyway.
yesterday i:

- ate sushi
- bought the dress i was coveting (too bad it wasn't marked down in price any lower)
- filled out job applications
- got hit on by the guy ringing me up at the drugstore. yes, i know that my eyes are blue. i'm glad you think they're nice. LET'S MOVE ON.
- watched "waiting" with genevieve. as predicted, she...
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Hott lady love
I am fine thanks. The new hair looks pretty. Job applications... yeah I should get on that too.
i enjoy all-you-can-eat sushi and comic book & record stores as much as anyone. i also enjoy sitting at home by myself and reading.

today i did both and finished book #1 of 12 or 13 that are on my summer reading list. i started book #2, which is a reread of a book that i'd like a second and closer, more analytical look at...
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I fucking hate having emotions. I wish I could control them better like a man.
i won't lie, this weekend has turned out to be pretty awesome.

thursday night i knew that sexxy party dave was coming into town and i thought that he'd come get me so we could make a joint appearance at kat's (Annikki) apartment, but she called me instead on her way home from work. we made this awesomely gross/delicious tuna/noodles/spinach concotion that mostly...
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