Today I feel the need to talk about a conversation I had with a friend at one of his worst times. He was going through a boatload of garbage and had some real soul searching to do. Of course this led to the enternal question....."whats the purpose of life?" and why does life have to be so hard? We both sat for a while and smoked, thinking about this. I came to the conclusion that life is very simple when you cut all the bull shit. Not to sound like i'm stealing this from a movie.....but life really is nothing more than the eternal battle of balencing your smile and you cries. Thats basically the essence of life. You want to try and put yourself in a position to smile more often than you cry. Period. To a lot of people it seem slike it's a much harder task to smile because you have to work at it. If you sit back and let life happen to you (as in with my friends case) then you dont control the smiles and cries. Everyone has the opportunity to do anything they's just a matter of having the strength to do it. If you dont make enough money, then you can go to school, or find a better job......if your tired of being single, then put yourself in a position to meet people and be social. Anything anyone wants is within their grasp....its just a matter of their desire to go after it. I myself am included in this group. Everybody knows what they need to do in life......its just being lazy thats a mother fucker.
I know you probably don't read your journal....but what the hell...Happy Anniversary to you and your lovely wife

yup, Happy Anniversary man.