man, everytime i drive down here i am immediately reminded as to one of the main reasons i don't like being here. don't get me wrong the members that i've met from the area are great, but man... where do georgians learn to drive! no one seems to be able to go the speed limit on regular roads (it's always at least 5 miles under) and on the highway they either go ridiculously fast or ridiculously slow... which is the perfect equation for really bad accidents. then there is the random stopping! no stop signs or stop lights and people just randomly stop on the road to let people in off of side streets or stop when merging onto the highways... merge goddammit! that's what the on ramp is for! don't stop in front of me when i'm picking up fucking speed! it wouldn't be so bad, but there is absolutely no warning... when you're behind them it's an easy way to either get rear-ended or to be the one doing the rear-ending. add in the fact that no one down here knows that when you are going up even a small incline you need to press on the accelerator a little more to compensate... which of course results in them slowing down even more when going uphill... bah!
i think i'm done now... just needed to get that off my chest.
i think i'm done now... just needed to get that off my chest.
No matter where you go people have like some sort of collective weird driving habbits.