so i have 2 things for you people out in SG land today.
first, i went to use my new canon digital rexbel xti yesterday and the damn flash won't pop up. so now i have to ship it to a repair center and mess around with all of that crap. i just bought the thing at christmas time for shit sakes.
the second thing is pretty funny actually. my girlfriend and i were having sex yesterday. in the middle of everything we hear the cat scurrying around the living room like a psycho and then hear high pitched squeeling. we figure we better check on it so i get up (reluctantly) and go out into the living room. when i get there i see my cat Gadget chasing a small furry woodland creature around the house... which she then chases into the bedroom and scares the crap out of my girlfriend. so for the next 20 minutes or so i round up the cat and dog to put them on the porch out of my way, laughing at my girlfriend as she jumps around on the bed in a panic completely naked and catching the little thing (which turned out to be a mole, how strange) and let it go way out in my backyard next to my neighbors shed... lol. so yeah, i had an interesting day yesterday to say the least.
next a question for all of you... who's going to Toronto Gala?!? you'd better be going, and you'd better sign up fast... the guestlist is filling up quick!
first, i went to use my new canon digital rexbel xti yesterday and the damn flash won't pop up. so now i have to ship it to a repair center and mess around with all of that crap. i just bought the thing at christmas time for shit sakes.
the second thing is pretty funny actually. my girlfriend and i were having sex yesterday. in the middle of everything we hear the cat scurrying around the living room like a psycho and then hear high pitched squeeling. we figure we better check on it so i get up (reluctantly) and go out into the living room. when i get there i see my cat Gadget chasing a small furry woodland creature around the house... which she then chases into the bedroom and scares the crap out of my girlfriend. so for the next 20 minutes or so i round up the cat and dog to put them on the porch out of my way, laughing at my girlfriend as she jumps around on the bed in a panic completely naked and catching the little thing (which turned out to be a mole, how strange) and let it go way out in my backyard next to my neighbors shed... lol. so yeah, i had an interesting day yesterday to say the least.
next a question for all of you... who's going to Toronto Gala?!? you'd better be going, and you'd better sign up fast... the guestlist is filling up quick!
Thanks for spurring all of us to get in on it Cereal! It will be my girl's first intro into anything SG related, and my first time getting off my ass to meet SG folks.
it's been too long since i've told you to go fuck yourself. I am sorry i have been ignoring my duties to you.