so my brother is up from atlanta for the week... he flew in this afternoon and is heading out next sunday. not much for us to do, but we'll figure something out. he already got some random cute girls number at the denny's near here (he's good like that).
fergie was suposed to come down and spend the weekend too, but she's really sick
. she's pretty sure she's got the flu. i'm hoping it's the 24 hour flu cuz she said if she's healty by tomorrow morning there is no power in the universe that could keep her from driving out to see me
. so keep your fingers crossed for me!
edited to add that my brother, dad, step-brother-in-law and i are all heading to an auction this morning in a foot of snow in the cold... we are all insane!
fergie was suposed to come down and spend the weekend too, but she's really sick

edited to add that my brother, dad, step-brother-in-law and i are all heading to an auction this morning in a foot of snow in the cold... we are all insane!
How was the auction?
We're going to kick all ass.