ok, got my new car friday evening... bit of a hassle, but i have it now and it's awesome. the short version of the story goes like this:
i was told it was being picked up from the other dealership friday, that it would go through the detail shop friday afternoon and be ready for me to pick up around 3. so i went to Erie, PA early to do a little bit of shopping. when i called the dealership and asked for greg (my salesman) the operator lady was like "he's off today, can i put you thru to his voicemail?"
so i was like, "um, no you can't. greg was selling me a VW rabbit and it was supposed to be ready for me to pick up today by 3."
"please hold sir."
she got back on the line and said greg would be calling me from home in a minute (keep in mind i was on hold for like 15 minutes... i was beginning to get worried). so anyway, greg called and said the car was all set and that i should just ask for his friend brandon when i got to the dealership. (side note: i got stuck in the erie mall parking lot from the ice and slush while trying to leave to go to the dealership).
Finally get to the dealership and everything is all set (it's about 3:30). only thing i needed was to get my insurance switched from the kia to the rabbit... no worries right? wrong. my insurance agency apparently decided to close early that day (at 3... i missed it by 30 minutes). still no big deal right? wrong. so i call the 1-800-progressive number to do the changes. i finally get thru to an operator after all of the damned prompts and what do i learn? their systems just went down and the IT guys are fixing it, but that it should be 30 minutes to an hour. wtf? anyway, finally after a wait i called back and got everything switched and drove my car home. it was an interesting day to say the least... didn't get done there until like 5 got home around 5:30 and then turned around and made the 4 hour drive to fergie's house... which i was supposed to have been making about 2 hours earlier... lol.
i was told it was being picked up from the other dealership friday, that it would go through the detail shop friday afternoon and be ready for me to pick up around 3. so i went to Erie, PA early to do a little bit of shopping. when i called the dealership and asked for greg (my salesman) the operator lady was like "he's off today, can i put you thru to his voicemail?"
so i was like, "um, no you can't. greg was selling me a VW rabbit and it was supposed to be ready for me to pick up today by 3."
"please hold sir."
she got back on the line and said greg would be calling me from home in a minute (keep in mind i was on hold for like 15 minutes... i was beginning to get worried). so anyway, greg called and said the car was all set and that i should just ask for his friend brandon when i got to the dealership. (side note: i got stuck in the erie mall parking lot from the ice and slush while trying to leave to go to the dealership).
Finally get to the dealership and everything is all set (it's about 3:30). only thing i needed was to get my insurance switched from the kia to the rabbit... no worries right? wrong. my insurance agency apparently decided to close early that day (at 3... i missed it by 30 minutes). still no big deal right? wrong. so i call the 1-800-progressive number to do the changes. i finally get thru to an operator after all of the damned prompts and what do i learn? their systems just went down and the IT guys are fixing it, but that it should be 30 minutes to an hour. wtf? anyway, finally after a wait i called back and got everything switched and drove my car home. it was an interesting day to say the least... didn't get done there until like 5 got home around 5:30 and then turned around and made the 4 hour drive to fergie's house... which i was supposed to have been making about 2 hours earlier... lol.
Happy Holidays, CK! 

at least you have your new car
Happy f'n Holidays!!! Wooo!!!