So happy! i have no idea when it was released on DVD (must have been recently though), but The Tick vs Season One is now for sale... i of course have bought my copy already. i've been waiting and waiting and hoping and hoping that they would release The Tick animated series on DVD and my prayers have finally been answered!
also, going this weekend to my college homecoming/reunion weekend... should be interesting. don't know if i'll even know anyone there, but i'm also stopping to see 2 of my oldest friends from high school (who i did everything with back in the day) on the way back from the homecoming reunion thing... i'm excited. i haven't seen either of them in over 5 years!
also, going this weekend to my college homecoming/reunion weekend... should be interesting. don't know if i'll even know anyone there, but i'm also stopping to see 2 of my oldest friends from high school (who i did everything with back in the day) on the way back from the homecoming reunion thing... i'm excited. i haven't seen either of them in over 5 years!
Yeah, I know that there are a few of them floating around your part of the country...but if PresidentNumber2's comment is any indication, then most of your fellow Americans probably don't care for it that much.
