oooooo-tay. I have four rolls of film to develop tomorrow so I'm thinking of going to school early, like at 10 so I can get them done and I can have some decent time in the darkroom. Hopefully I won't have an alarmclock malfunction like last week. I wanted to get up like two hours early so I could get some shots in AM light and also do at least 45 minutes of Pilates but my alarm clock said "" So, I'll be hitting the hay kinda early tonight. But I think I have to watch Medium. I've missed it
I also have been looking for this ghost hunter show that's made by some people from RI, they work for Roto-Rooter by day and film hauntings at night. I know one of the regulars on the show, Andy. He used to work for my theater company but I guess I never knew how much of a ghost hunter he is. I miss that show, I can't find it.
It's almost the end of the semester and I have SO much work to catch up on!! Two papers (one due this wednesday) and a photo portfolio...argh. Hopefully I'll get my darkroom set up before the end of the semester so I can do some printing at home. That'd be cool. I have to start getting back into working out, I was doing so well for a while and then I just stopped everything!
grrr...we'll see. 38 Days Until My Birthday!!!! Woot!!
"Record! Dash doopy guy ish baking pups!!"

It's almost the end of the semester and I have SO much work to catch up on!! Two papers (one due this wednesday) and a photo portfolio...argh. Hopefully I'll get my darkroom set up before the end of the semester so I can do some printing at home. That'd be cool. I have to start getting back into working out, I was doing so well for a while and then I just stopped everything!
grrr...we'll see. 38 Days Until My Birthday!!!! Woot!!
"Record! Dash doopy guy ish baking pups!!"