YAY new makeup! I'm not tired enough to sleep yet so I've been playing around with some new lipsticks and eyeshadows I just got (yay) I wish my hair would cooperate so I could do something silly with it but alas, it's yet again on strike. I've been in such a daze lately. It's like a line from Me & Bobby McGee "I'm feelin as faded as my jeans" That is SO me right now. I can't seem to focus on anything. Maybe I have ADD...maybe I am just so dissatified with my life right now that my brain is taking a vacation from me. I don't know but I can't shake this really strange feeling.
I had a really fun day with my nutty friend Shan today. I haven't talked to her in a really long time and I finally got in touch with her today and we went for a drive, ended up in Target and were bullshitting, then we went back to her house and got a surprize phone call from our friend Erin who joined the National Guard on a whim because she was mad at her parents and she's moving to Texas next month and hasn't told them yet. Shan was in "Momma Shan" mode trying to tell Erin she HAD to tell her family she was leaving while I was trying not to remind Shan that she was to one who moved to Florida with a guy she knew for two weeks without telling anybody. I was a good girl and held my tongue.
I've been thinking about that point in our lives as it is almost TWO YEARS AGO. I really don't know how to explain why I am so forever connected to these other people. We were a group of five until one night this guy Jeff comes along and we find what we were missing. Jeff is the insanly intense method actor that we needed at that point. He wore that wedding ring (and probably still has it), he made Shan dance with him before every show in her wedding dress...God. When I think of how boring my life is now...every night for two months we'd be standing around in a parking lot until 2:30-3 in the morning going "Ok guys where are we going?" Now it's 12:30 and I'm in "sleep mode". Me, Tim, Lars, Shan, Bonnie and Jeff are forever connected by Maiden's Prayer, and therefore are forever indebted to Patty for making us a part of it...But Jeff had to go an ruin the dynamic. Lars wanted Shan, but Jeff practically kidnapped her to Florida so now, there's this weird chemistry between the three of them. Lars lives in New York now and his new apartment is probably more dilapadated than the one he had in Providence. Bonnie is...well, she's Bonnie. She's going to be such a successful actor if she goes after it. She's so natural and funny, if she wants it, I don't see how she can fail. Then there's Tim and me. I love him, don't get me wrong but there are some things that he does that drive me so crazy I don't know how much longer I can play the nice chick. I shouldn't have to clean his room and do his laundry. It was one thing when I lived there, of course he didn't help then, either. I'm gonna stop, I'm not in a bad mood tonight and I want to keep it that way...

i liked it when my hair was short enough that when it was dirty, i could make it stay up and messy like. cute cat pic.