oK, Classic example of my life. I had just finished writing last night's journal about my aunt and I went into my bedroom to try to go to sleep when OH MY GOD. I had fed my hamster, Hamstar Runner but I forgot to close his cage. I went over to see where he was...and he WASN"T IN HIS CAGE!!! I admit, that's kinda funny but the door to my bedroom doesn't fit flush in the doorjamb because during a fight, my father kicked it in when I was in high school. There is now a gaping space that is totally big enough for him to squeeze under. His cage is on a shelf and there is about a four foot drop down to the floor. I was shocked not to find him laying there dead. How the hell does a little hamster survive a fall like that? Well, it's the first time in my life I have ever been glad to not have enough closet or drawer space to put my clothes in. he must have landed on a nice soft pile of tee-shirts. I got a flashlight and went looking in all of the dark places in my room: under the bed, under the dressers, behind the desk, in the closet...I found myself face to face with the awful prospect that he had gotten out of my room and was wandering around the house just waiting for one of the dogs, or one of my parents to squish him. I went into the bathroom and looked around, no. I went into the kitchen...no...the living room where my father was watching TV...no. I was totally panicking by this point. I bought Hamstar a bottle of yogurt drops that he really loves a while ago and he seems to know the sound of them shaking in the bottle. I shook that a couple of times and then BAM! There he was. He came out from under the table where I keep my school stuff. I bent down to grab him, he went back under the table. I poured a heallthy mound of yogurt drops onto the floor and he came out to feed. I grabbed him, he jumped out of my hand. I grabbed him again but my hand was really close to his mouth and his teeth really hurt so I tried to shift, but he jumped out of my hand AGAIN. Long story short (too late) he's safe back in his cage and I will never ever get distracted enough to forget to close that damn door again.
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Good luck
PS put pics of the hamster up!