::sigh:: I just got an e-mail from a friend of mine that I don't see how I can resist. He and a business partner own two motels on Cape Cod and he is looking for someone to help out with the work. It would entail moving to the Cape, having free room and board, $8 an hour to do basically everything I'd be doing at home (cleaning, laundry, gardening, etc) plus working at the front desk and stuff. How do I turn that down??? I could get the hell out of this shitty situation. The only downside of course is that Tim can't come with me. He'd still be here and I'd never see him. Maybe Chris could hire him, too. ::Sigh:: pipe dream I guess.
More Blogs
Monday Apr 11, 2005
ok, maybe I'm a retard, but I can't figure out how to add pics to my … -
Friday Apr 08, 2005
oK, Classic example of my life. I had just finished writing last nig… -
Thursday Apr 07, 2005
Alright. A sad entry tonight. My mom came home in tears today sayin… -
Monday Apr 04, 2005
So here we are again it's 1:30 in the morning and Cenerentola is WIDE… -
Friday Apr 01, 2005
::sigh:: I just got an e-mail from a friend of mine that I don't see … -
Tuesday Mar 29, 2005
What the hell is wrong with me?!? I haven't written in my journal in … -
Tuesday Jan 11, 2005
Okay everyone, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. This weekend, Timmy … -
Saturday Dec 18, 2004
Thus ends the longest two days of my life. I had two performances in… -
Saturday Dec 11, 2004
I realized today how far out of the Kaleido-loop I am. I mean, Tommy… -
Thursday Dec 09, 2004
I hate banks. The friggin morons thjey have working there shouldn't …
You should come out to Boston for the B&D ball. Last year's was awesome; I'm sure this year will be too. It's April 29th.
If anything else fun comes around here, I will totally let you know!
I'm gonna be in RI the 15-19th of this month. The 16th I will be going to see SoCo in Newport.