So I was at rehearsal for my show tonight and I saw
The evil ex-boyfriend. We sort of patched things up over the summer, we talked, we went out, saw a movie, it was nice but kinda wierd. I guess I felt good because the girl he just "had to have" who was better than me in every way (which I found out meant that her tits are so big the she buys her bras at the Golden Gate Bridge outlet HOWEVER, they're too big to be perky like mine, which are DD's by the way) dumped his sorry skinny uncircumsized self (no offense meant to you uncut guys but you can't just spring a thing like that on a girl who hadn't ever seen one before, I only dated women before I met him and it was really jarring)a few months after they started officially dating. I felt bad for about 30 seconds and then just thought to myself "THANK GOD, he got what he deserved". Anyways, in talking to him tonight I found out that he has his eyes set on a new conquest, this chick Liz that works for the theatre company as well. (The boy seriously has wierd taste, cuz this girl isn't exactly pretty and she's kind of annoying, Jesus what does that say about me?!?) For some unknown reason, it made me angry. It pissed me off that he's trying to get with another girl. I don't know why. I am 100% over him, I mean, I almost swallowed 3 bottles of pills when this creep left me and I had a miscarriage that he has somehow forgotten about. Why am I so pissed off that he wants this girl? I talked to her for a little bit a few months back. She's quirky and she's never had an orgasm. Not that he can give her one. He never gave me one, I don't even know why I tried straight sex again after him, he was really lousy in bed. God, I'm all over the place with my thoughts tonight. My brain is just really busy and I can't seem to get to sleep. I hear him talk about this other girl and I just want to bash him with a rock in the back of his head. Maybe because we never talked about our break up. Oh, yeah that's right, he broke up with me online. Through IM's no less. HOW FUCKING 7th GRADE IS THAT?!? He couldn't even say it to my face. Not even on the fucking phone. He did it ONLINE probably with his skank there, too.
Anyway, I'm obviously still upset about it. I thought I forgave him and wanted to move past it and be friends again. Apparently not.

Anyway, I'm obviously still upset about it. I thought I forgave him and wanted to move past it and be friends again. Apparently not.