Penis Trauma.
I went on my 1/2 hour break from work today and suffered penis trauma.
The setting: McDonalds (gross, yes but I don't have a car and nothing else is close enough to walk to eat and get back in the time alotted)
So I'm on the phone with my mom while I'm ordering and she's telling me all about her vacation that my dad took her on for their anniversary. I'm getting my diet coke and I kinda felt someone staring at me, so I turned very casually to see and there's this guy waving his penis at me.
I kinda froze for a minute.
I turned and walked very calmly to the counter and told my mom I'd call her back. I explained to the managers that a customer had just exposed himself to me and I wanted them to call the police. Meanwhile, the guy leaves and they couldn't hold him. One of the managers tried to follow him but the guy took off into the woods that are behind the shopping plaza where I work. Awesome. So by now I'm shaking like a leaf, feeling totally violated. I sat down with my soda and my food, which I couldn't eat. I actually returned the food because I was so upset I'd vomit if I ate anything.
I got a full refund and started to cry at the table. I called my mom back and told her what happened, then I called my fiance and asked him to meet me at the store after work so I wouldn't have to walk home alone. The cops showed up and took my statement and said they can't do anything until/unless they catch this sick asshole.
So yeah. This is not helping my recovery at all. See, I have an anxiety disorder. I'm afraid of things that your average person isn't. I'm looking over my shoulder for no reason. I'm paranoid about strangers. Only now, I have a reason to be watchful. I'm not comparing what happened to a rape. At all. But it is still a total violation. There is only one penis I need to see-ever (until I have a baby boy to be named Andrew). It's a scary thing. This sick fuck. I'm not saying that I'm this striking beauty or anything. I'm not saying I think he's going to stalk me, but what if I'd left my nametag hanging around my neck? I usually do. What if he knew where I worked?
I don't like it.
Thank God for Timmy. One of the few men who have never treated me like an object.
I went on my 1/2 hour break from work today and suffered penis trauma.
The setting: McDonalds (gross, yes but I don't have a car and nothing else is close enough to walk to eat and get back in the time alotted)

So I'm on the phone with my mom while I'm ordering and she's telling me all about her vacation that my dad took her on for their anniversary. I'm getting my diet coke and I kinda felt someone staring at me, so I turned very casually to see and there's this guy waving his penis at me.

I kinda froze for a minute.
I turned and walked very calmly to the counter and told my mom I'd call her back. I explained to the managers that a customer had just exposed himself to me and I wanted them to call the police. Meanwhile, the guy leaves and they couldn't hold him. One of the managers tried to follow him but the guy took off into the woods that are behind the shopping plaza where I work. Awesome. So by now I'm shaking like a leaf, feeling totally violated. I sat down with my soda and my food, which I couldn't eat. I actually returned the food because I was so upset I'd vomit if I ate anything.
I got a full refund and started to cry at the table. I called my mom back and told her what happened, then I called my fiance and asked him to meet me at the store after work so I wouldn't have to walk home alone. The cops showed up and took my statement and said they can't do anything until/unless they catch this sick asshole.

So yeah. This is not helping my recovery at all. See, I have an anxiety disorder. I'm afraid of things that your average person isn't. I'm looking over my shoulder for no reason. I'm paranoid about strangers. Only now, I have a reason to be watchful. I'm not comparing what happened to a rape. At all. But it is still a total violation. There is only one penis I need to see-ever (until I have a baby boy to be named Andrew). It's a scary thing. This sick fuck. I'm not saying that I'm this striking beauty or anything. I'm not saying I think he's going to stalk me, but what if I'd left my nametag hanging around my neck? I usually do. What if he knew where I worked?

I don't like it.
Thank God for Timmy. One of the few men who have never treated me like an object.
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