there are only 13 days until my 21st bday!!!!! Woot!!! I'm so excited (and I just can't hide it). I have no idea what I'll be doing I don't drink much anymore, but I have the feeling I'll make the exception for the big day. Any suggestions?
happy birthday to us! look we are twins.
happy birthday! if I had come onlline ealier, I would have said it then, not 5 mins after 12! I suck! tongue

I also miss you! We used to have so much fun at our parties! If there's anyway you could get up to Boston, I'm having a celebration of my 21st on the 17th (which is a Friday night). I have 3 fold outs if you'd need to crash here! Tell 'Berto as well!
::exhales deeply:: whattaday. it was my first time in a church in a really long time and I was really lost but luckily, Timmy had less of an idea of what to do than me so we were lost together. I lost my breath when I saw that huge church full to the point of people having to stand up in the back. So many...
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bah.I am even further behind in stuff because of this whole thing with my aunt. i started a new job and on my second day in the damn place, I had to leave early to go home and cry my eyes out. Funeral's tuesday, then life'll try to get back to as normal as possible...except I'm going to flunk most of my classes...go me...

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well folks, it's all over. My aunt died yesterday. i'm not sure what else to say.
bah. i hate working for crappy money at a crappy job. my photo crit is thursday and I'm out of rc paper and I need to buy a crapload of matting stuff for my portfolio. grrr...not enough time left in the semester...grrr
Lisa called me at 8:50 this morning telling me to get my ass outta bed b/c it was going up into the 80's and she didn't have to be at work until 3:00. We ended up going to the zoo. I LOVE THE ZOO!!! I love animals, I become a total like, six year old at the zoo, I want to see everything. So Lisa,...
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oooooo-tay. I have four rolls of film to develop tomorrow so I'm thinking of going to school early, like at 10 so I can get them done and I can have some decent time in the darkroom. Hopefully I won't have an alarmclock malfunction like last week. I wanted to get up like two hours early so I could get some shots in AM light...
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So, I called Tim last night around 10:30 ish and he was still at CCRI. Apparently his castmates were all going out and he was too tired to join them so he decided to take the bus home and get some sleep b/c the show today was a matinee. The fucking bus drove right by him while I was on the phone with him. I...
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being a falconett would have meant you had to get plastic surgery (you don't need it, pretty girl!) at 15... all those girls were getting lipo before junior year. puke
I hadn't talked to a friend of mine in a while, actually, it was so long that she was afraid to call me because she thought I'd yell at her for not calling for so long. I bit the bullet yesterday and called her. She came by my house and we ended up going to this cute little martini bar and sang karaoke all night....
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YAY new makeup! I'm not tired enough to sleep yet so I've been playing around with some new lipsticks and eyeshadows I just got (yay) I wish my hair would cooperate so I could do something silly with it but alas, it's yet again on strike. I've been in such a daze lately. It's like a line from Me & Bobby McGee "I'm feelin as...
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i liked it when my hair was short enough that when it was dirty, i could make it stay up and messy like. cute cat pic.