So once again it's a little bit before Monday, though I imagine for most of you it's past midnight, so here we g
I've been in a little bit of a weird mood. I have a long song list for you today, but very little to say about it. First I have the most romantic stalker song I've ever laid ears on
*shudder* That bass intro. It might be the same notes repeated over and over, but it's so haunting, and only Death Cab can make stalking someone to such a scary point sound so romantic.
Next is a song from the same singer, different band, the Postal Service. A song about a man visiting an ex, and while she's certainly not changed for the best, he was still the one worth being left. It's catchy and lovely, upbeat yet mellow.
Moving into something a little more upbeat, Osheaga is this weekend in Montreal. It's a big festival for music that ranges from rock to indie to anything. This year, one of my favorites is going: Artic Monkeys. I really have nothing about this this song, it's really just bloody brilliant
And continuing onto that nice upbeat tempo, a nice song form about 6 years ago
Contrasting completely with the rest of my playlist is a nice trance tune (yes, oddly enough, I'm finding trance music interesting now) that puts me out of it completely
Finally to move into my metal/Rock portion, I'm just gonna post a few of the cards and have that sexy feel to them. On that note, enjoy your Monday wicked peoples!
Actually, can I say how much I HATE that it's impossible to find this song with the uncensored video?