Had a great Halloween and Pagan new year. I thought about my friends who I normally spend this holiday with. Badger, and Dawn are in my thoughts.
Autumn is here. I love this time of the year. I have spent most of today relaxing. I hardly ever get peace time. When I do get to spend some time alone. I make the most of it.
I have settled down. Have done some yoga and meditation. Now enjoying a cup of mint green tea, with a few candles, incenses of lavender and vanilla. My Celtic music playing in the back ground. Ahhh. Makes me want to snuggle up with a good book.
I have done a lot of thinking. I have been trying to please to many people this past year. To the point I almost lost myself. I see the light now. I need to reopen my third eye and see more clearly again. I know this may upset some people in my life. But I have not felt the same since I closed that chapter in my life. To old memories, and cherished new ones.
Autumn is here. I love this time of the year. I have spent most of today relaxing. I hardly ever get peace time. When I do get to spend some time alone. I make the most of it.
I have settled down. Have done some yoga and meditation. Now enjoying a cup of mint green tea, with a few candles, incenses of lavender and vanilla. My Celtic music playing in the back ground. Ahhh. Makes me want to snuggle up with a good book.
I have done a lot of thinking. I have been trying to please to many people this past year. To the point I almost lost myself. I see the light now. I need to reopen my third eye and see more clearly again. I know this may upset some people in my life. But I have not felt the same since I closed that chapter in my life. To old memories, and cherished new ones.
hope opening the third eye makes things better for you.
take care