Winter has come early this year. Been thinking a lot about life, death and the meaning of the universe. Lucky I don't live in Victoria or the melatonin deprivation would have sunk me into Zoloft years ago. Just over a month to the solstice.
Cheryl is coping with the chemo but I fear she is going Egyptian. She asks the doctors if she is past the worst and refuses to cut her hair although we both know it will drop out any day now. And she is getting incredibly cranky.
It feels like the 1/2 marathons I used to run. You count down the kilometres, you know that if you just keep going, there is a finish line up there somewhere. So hold until relieved.
Which sounds a lot more depressing than I am normally feeling at the moment. I had breakfast with an old house mate from Cairns and caught up with what everyone is doing. And I love caring for my baby daughter. And work is going better than expected. I am looking forward to doing 3 trials in 3 weeks at the end of the month - it is always such an adrenalin rush.
And I think I am contributing more to the various borads although sometimes I feel like a man running into a room to shout a few obscenities before running out again, only to return the next day to see who answered.
And the quote of the week is:
"This too shall pass" - Virgil, The Aeneid
Cheryl is coping with the chemo but I fear she is going Egyptian. She asks the doctors if she is past the worst and refuses to cut her hair although we both know it will drop out any day now. And she is getting incredibly cranky.
It feels like the 1/2 marathons I used to run. You count down the kilometres, you know that if you just keep going, there is a finish line up there somewhere. So hold until relieved.
Which sounds a lot more depressing than I am normally feeling at the moment. I had breakfast with an old house mate from Cairns and caught up with what everyone is doing. And I love caring for my baby daughter. And work is going better than expected. I am looking forward to doing 3 trials in 3 weeks at the end of the month - it is always such an adrenalin rush.
And I think I am contributing more to the various borads although sometimes I feel like a man running into a room to shout a few obscenities before running out again, only to return the next day to see who answered.
And the quote of the week is:
"This too shall pass" - Virgil, The Aeneid
keep your chin up dude.. even the most positive people sway a little bit from their belief.. you guys will make it through.. just focus on the good stuff, your daughter, your work.. the rest will work through when it can.. till then, come on here and feast your eyes on some naked goodness..i find that works miracles..
buffy comes out tomorrow at jb hifi's city store on elizabeth street.. i shall be there at charisma carpenter's playboy comes out shortly here too..