Busy times ahead.
The Mouse's school fete on Saturday. For anyone going to Never's show at the Milton Bowl, come at a bit early as the fete is just on the other side of Gregory Park at Nash St. It finishes at 2pm which meshes nicely for when Never go on.
Sunday will be firstly going to visit Cheryl for our wedding anniversary in the morning followed by lunch with Cheryl's great aunt amd associated rellies from Singapore.
22nd is a double header with Thomas the Tank Engine at Boondall in the afternoon and Tori Amos (mercifully at the convention centre) at night.
Then a week in Singapore in October to show off the Mouse to the extended family there. Cheryl was going to go last year but she got so sick it was too dicey to fly. I have to go to make sure the grand parents don't go overboard making the Mouse jump through too many hoops.
Then the partners conference in November in Adelaide. Not sure if I will go as the Mouse has her end of yoear concert at the Con on that Saturday. I have to see if I can fly down on Wednesday and back on Friday night.
And finally the Mouse's birthday at the start of December. At the moment, it is looking like 4 seperate parties - the Saturday before with all the family and kids, Montesori on Monday, the actual day on Tuesday and Kindy on Thursday. I am starting to do the planning now but I will probably do everything atthe last minute as usual.
Finally, sorry to see London leave. I know she foreshadowed it a month or so ago but it is still said when 1 of the Vieilles are archived.
The Mouse's school fete on Saturday. For anyone going to Never's show at the Milton Bowl, come at a bit early as the fete is just on the other side of Gregory Park at Nash St. It finishes at 2pm which meshes nicely for when Never go on.
Sunday will be firstly going to visit Cheryl for our wedding anniversary in the morning followed by lunch with Cheryl's great aunt amd associated rellies from Singapore.
22nd is a double header with Thomas the Tank Engine at Boondall in the afternoon and Tori Amos (mercifully at the convention centre) at night.
Then a week in Singapore in October to show off the Mouse to the extended family there. Cheryl was going to go last year but she got so sick it was too dicey to fly. I have to go to make sure the grand parents don't go overboard making the Mouse jump through too many hoops.
Then the partners conference in November in Adelaide. Not sure if I will go as the Mouse has her end of yoear concert at the Con on that Saturday. I have to see if I can fly down on Wednesday and back on Friday night.
And finally the Mouse's birthday at the start of December. At the moment, it is looking like 4 seperate parties - the Saturday before with all the family and kids, Montesori on Monday, the actual day on Tuesday and Kindy on Thursday. I am starting to do the planning now but I will probably do everything atthe last minute as usual.
Finally, sorry to see London leave. I know she foreshadowed it a month or so ago but it is still said when 1 of the Vieilles are archived.
Thank you!