I'm back, baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 completely new computer tower, new monitor, new modem, new filters, new ethernet and telephone connections, and 26 days later (including the last 7 without SG because Netnanny was back on at work).
You miss me?
Thanks for all the kind messages. I am feeling very guilty. I still haven't writtne thank you notes to the people who sent me cards. Up to about 60 at the last count so I have a bit of work ahead of me. I bought 50 sheets of good letter paper at the local statinary supplier. Obviously underestimated the response.
Settled 2 out of 3 trials. Received judgment in our favour in a trial from last November and settled a shit load of files at conferences so I am on a roll at the moment.
Emily is going well at kindy/Montessori/music/swimming classes and is just belting along as usual. I am partly relieved but also a little sad that she doesn't miss Cheryl more.
I am pretty good. I have about 1 cry a day, just a little one and it is more from missing her rather than any depressive type behaviour. A couple of weeks ago I woke in the middle of the night and thought she was snoring next to me. I felt very contented for about 3 seconds, then I realised Cheryl was gone and the snoring stopped. I had a fantastic night last - 3 seperate dreams talking to Cheryl including touching her. I haven't felt so full inside for a long time.Can't wait to go to bed tonight.

1 completely new computer tower, new monitor, new modem, new filters, new ethernet and telephone connections, and 26 days later (including the last 7 without SG because Netnanny was back on at work).
You miss me?
Thanks for all the kind messages. I am feeling very guilty. I still haven't writtne thank you notes to the people who sent me cards. Up to about 60 at the last count so I have a bit of work ahead of me. I bought 50 sheets of good letter paper at the local statinary supplier. Obviously underestimated the response.
Settled 2 out of 3 trials. Received judgment in our favour in a trial from last November and settled a shit load of files at conferences so I am on a roll at the moment.
Emily is going well at kindy/Montessori/music/swimming classes and is just belting along as usual. I am partly relieved but also a little sad that she doesn't miss Cheryl more.
I am pretty good. I have about 1 cry a day, just a little one and it is more from missing her rather than any depressive type behaviour. A couple of weeks ago I woke in the middle of the night and thought she was snoring next to me. I felt very contented for about 3 seconds, then I realised Cheryl was gone and the snoring stopped. I had a fantastic night last - 3 seperate dreams talking to Cheryl including touching her. I haven't felt so full inside for a long time.Can't wait to go to bed tonight.
Nice Freudian slip on the "statinary supplier" - I get my Lipitor from a pharmacist. ha ha
Interesting comment on Phantasy's blog .... not sure if that is totally PC.
Montessori - is that the one where if you are bad, they dump a severed horses head onto your desk?