1 of the classical liberal feastdays.

Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite!!! Show us yer tits!!!
(Yes, I know the image is of the 1830 revolution. Stop nit picking)
Also just racked up 10 years at the firm today. Received a nice pair of Tiffany cufflinks for my efforts (which I would show a picture of if I knew how to link photos from my album).
And I had a very strange day dream today that I was butt fucking Audrey Hepburn. I was trying to imagine how Audrey would sound saying "stick it in my dirty ass" Shera style in an upper British accent. I then bought Roman Holiday on the way home tonight for some private entertainment.

Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite!!! Show us yer tits!!!
(Yes, I know the image is of the 1830 revolution. Stop nit picking)
Also just racked up 10 years at the firm today. Received a nice pair of Tiffany cufflinks for my efforts (which I would show a picture of if I knew how to link photos from my album).
And I had a very strange day dream today that I was butt fucking Audrey Hepburn. I was trying to imagine how Audrey would sound saying "stick it in my dirty ass" Shera style in an upper British accent. I then bought Roman Holiday on the way home tonight for some private entertainment.
butt fucking Audrey Hepburn!!! and I'm the one that's psychologically compensating mmmm, still cool visual, if I remove you from the picture that is haha
So does that mean your up for some long service leave now
just like this see
nice links too.