Today I want to talk about one of my recent losses: my dear cat, Pera, has been run over by a car. It happened more than two weeks ago, when I was on holiday, and my parents told me when I came back, a week later, but till now I haven't found the courage to talk about that.
I really loved my beautiful Pera, whose name means "pear" because his small head and his big belly and butt reminded us of a pear 😂 He was always happy to see us, he used to wait for us coming back from school/work; when my dad came home from the supermarket, hd was always so curious and wanted to check all the shopping bags and he also checked the fridge!
He was not really intelligent, I know, but he knew where the food was! He knew that the fridge and the microwave were sources of food, so he used to stare at them until we gave him something to eat.
He was not so athletic, he was slow and soo lazy: when he went out, he used to wait behind the gate and wait for us to let him in, instead of jumping.
He was such a cute cat, I loved everything about him. I still can't believe he will wait for me no more.
I'll always miss you, Pera 💚