I slipped on a banana peel! I thought that only happened in cartoons!!
+++A Post From the Gothic Beauty Magazine Message Board+++
Unfortunately, we live in a society where "freaky" is still equated with "unclean", "criminal", and "uneducated".
Now that you're out of high school, the world expects you to conform to those societial standards. Why we're not expected to conform (in general... There ARE exceptions) while "young" still baffles me. It's as if there's some thought that a magic elf comes to you in the night and suddenly grows you up.
I smote my elf before he even got over the threshold!
I was actually suprised today during a pep-talk from world-famous Paul Mitchell stylist and educator Robert Cromeans. In response to a question about salon dress code, he seemed to lament the fact that the tattooed, wild stylists were drawn to him (well, I wonder, Mr. Badger Head Sporaan). "Cover your tats. Take out the piercings." was his advice.
I felt a lil uncomfortable as he glanced my way as he said it (I was the only tattooed and pierced one in attendance). Even in an industry where skirt wearing Scottish guys - and I DO know the difference... and they ARE skirts - and handlebar mustachioed men can rise to the 800 dollar haircut range, outlandish dress is discouraged.
Am I discouraged though?
Heck no!
Though I am free to dress as I choose now, it was not always the case. I found wonderful, hidden and subversive ways to express my individuality. I actually once held an office job where I had to wear suits (The little known fact about me for the month)... but, I tell you what, I had the freakin COOLEST suits EVAR!!!
Don't worry about your hair for now. It sounds like you're new in the job force. While it sucks, you do need to adhere to the cultural mores for now... Even though it sucks.
Did I mention it sucks?
But hang in there long enough and you'll get to a professional position where you can make a million and still have a dead animal hanging off your crotch. Unless you're becoming a doctor. That would just be gross.
+++A Post From the Gothic Beauty Magazine Message Board+++
Unfortunately, we live in a society where "freaky" is still equated with "unclean", "criminal", and "uneducated".
Now that you're out of high school, the world expects you to conform to those societial standards. Why we're not expected to conform (in general... There ARE exceptions) while "young" still baffles me. It's as if there's some thought that a magic elf comes to you in the night and suddenly grows you up.
I smote my elf before he even got over the threshold!

I was actually suprised today during a pep-talk from world-famous Paul Mitchell stylist and educator Robert Cromeans. In response to a question about salon dress code, he seemed to lament the fact that the tattooed, wild stylists were drawn to him (well, I wonder, Mr. Badger Head Sporaan). "Cover your tats. Take out the piercings." was his advice.
I felt a lil uncomfortable as he glanced my way as he said it (I was the only tattooed and pierced one in attendance). Even in an industry where skirt wearing Scottish guys - and I DO know the difference... and they ARE skirts - and handlebar mustachioed men can rise to the 800 dollar haircut range, outlandish dress is discouraged.
Am I discouraged though?
Heck no!
Though I am free to dress as I choose now, it was not always the case. I found wonderful, hidden and subversive ways to express my individuality. I actually once held an office job where I had to wear suits (The little known fact about me for the month)... but, I tell you what, I had the freakin COOLEST suits EVAR!!!
Don't worry about your hair for now. It sounds like you're new in the job force. While it sucks, you do need to adhere to the cultural mores for now... Even though it sucks.
Did I mention it sucks?
But hang in there long enough and you'll get to a professional position where you can make a million and still have a dead animal hanging off your crotch. Unless you're becoming a doctor. That would just be gross.
hey, I applied for your group....I've been modelling for awhile and looking to get into doing makeup for others. Your group seems perfect for my research.