You know what's really great? I'll tell you what's really great.
Do you wanna know why electricity is so great?
Well, hell, if you're reading this you already know one of the many reasons why.
Think of all the things that have come in result of the discovery of electricity. All of the breakthroughs Man has accomplished... All of the communication... All of the industry... All of the fun.
You wanna know why electricity is so great? I'll tell you why electricity is so great.
Night baseball games!
You know what else is really fucking amazing?
I love America.
Yeah, we really seriously got so major fucked up problems here in America... I'll be one of the first to admit that... But, damn, look at all our opportunities!
I grew up in a single parent household on welfare. In many other societies, that would have condemned me to a life of nothingness. At best, I would have been a housewife at 14 but most likely I would have been begging on the streets with my congenitally deformed feet curled up and hidden under my tattered, shit covered skirt.
My life is a fucking miracle.
I have - first, foremost, and always - God to thank for that... But I also have America to thank for that.
I should not have been concieved - but thanks to American ignorance of sexuality, I was.
I should have not been carried to term - but thanks to what is known in America about proper pre-natal care, I was.
I was born with deformities - but thanks to this wonderful (well, it was better when I was a child) health care system I now lead a normal life.
In many other societies, I would not have been educated - but in our (yes, flawed) American education system, I was given at least a chance... And I took it and graduated as Valedictorian of my class.
Thanks to the fact that the "common" people are given knowledge and opportunity that other societies concider privliged, I was able to finance a nice portion of college.
Because the American ideal is for betterment of self, I get a chance to go back and get another nice portion of college.
Though inefficient, our police, fire, and EMS systems have saved my life, my sanity, and helped keep me not only healthy but also beautiful.
I have clean water to drink - when I choose to drink it.
I have generous quanities of healthy food - when I choose to eat it.
I have the ability to become successful in a career - should I choose to persue one.
Most importantly, I can choose to choose - when I choose to do so.
Our modern American life and our modern American freedoms give me the choice of when to be educated, when to work, where to work, where to live, who to have relations with, when to create new life, when to care for life, when to grow old, when to die, what to do with myself when I am dead, who to give my newly-unneeded things to when I am dead....
That is why it is so wholly precious to protect those freedoms. Our country was founded for life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness. Currently, all three of those are being taken away from us.
So today, while we all blow shit up and sing the Star Spangled Banner (and shout "Who sucks?" "Sox suck!"), remeber that this is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave... But if we don't be brave and stand up and say "Hey mothefucker! I have the right to choose!" we will quickly un-become the land of the free as well.
Do you wanna know why electricity is so great?
Well, hell, if you're reading this you already know one of the many reasons why.
Think of all the things that have come in result of the discovery of electricity. All of the breakthroughs Man has accomplished... All of the communication... All of the industry... All of the fun.
You wanna know why electricity is so great? I'll tell you why electricity is so great.
Night baseball games!
You know what else is really fucking amazing?
I love America.
Yeah, we really seriously got so major fucked up problems here in America... I'll be one of the first to admit that... But, damn, look at all our opportunities!
I grew up in a single parent household on welfare. In many other societies, that would have condemned me to a life of nothingness. At best, I would have been a housewife at 14 but most likely I would have been begging on the streets with my congenitally deformed feet curled up and hidden under my tattered, shit covered skirt.
My life is a fucking miracle.
I have - first, foremost, and always - God to thank for that... But I also have America to thank for that.
I should not have been concieved - but thanks to American ignorance of sexuality, I was.
I should have not been carried to term - but thanks to what is known in America about proper pre-natal care, I was.
I was born with deformities - but thanks to this wonderful (well, it was better when I was a child) health care system I now lead a normal life.
In many other societies, I would not have been educated - but in our (yes, flawed) American education system, I was given at least a chance... And I took it and graduated as Valedictorian of my class.
Thanks to the fact that the "common" people are given knowledge and opportunity that other societies concider privliged, I was able to finance a nice portion of college.
Because the American ideal is for betterment of self, I get a chance to go back and get another nice portion of college.
Though inefficient, our police, fire, and EMS systems have saved my life, my sanity, and helped keep me not only healthy but also beautiful.
I have clean water to drink - when I choose to drink it.
I have generous quanities of healthy food - when I choose to eat it.
I have the ability to become successful in a career - should I choose to persue one.
Most importantly, I can choose to choose - when I choose to do so.
Our modern American life and our modern American freedoms give me the choice of when to be educated, when to work, where to work, where to live, who to have relations with, when to create new life, when to care for life, when to grow old, when to die, what to do with myself when I am dead, who to give my newly-unneeded things to when I am dead....
That is why it is so wholly precious to protect those freedoms. Our country was founded for life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness. Currently, all three of those are being taken away from us.
So today, while we all blow shit up and sing the Star Spangled Banner (and shout "Who sucks?" "Sox suck!"), remeber that this is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave... But if we don't be brave and stand up and say "Hey mothefucker! I have the right to choose!" we will quickly un-become the land of the free as well.
Or how about screaming Poe over that noise? Or just screaming out Poe in a quiet hallway?
I had a friend who recites Shakesphere everyone now and then really loudly in the animation department hallway. See, now I am just spouting out random shit.
[Edited on Jul 05, 2004 6:55PM]