I've gone to every single one of my classes this week. :: pats self on back :: I'm looking forward to enjoying an earned weekend.
My room looks like a fast food cemetary. Roy has been endearingly obsessed with the McDonald's monopoly game and I'm still trying to kick my Wendy's habit. Fortunately the dominate smell is of the snicker doodle cookies in my fridge. I need to clean but I'm lazy and anti-social -- I think the mess is my subconcious excuse for never leaving my door open. A messy living space is like emotional insulation.
My mom sent me a beautiful bamboo plant, inside it's own china pot with tiny decorative rocks and all. It's sitting on my desk next to two empty Yoplait Light containers.
I saw Maps + Atlases tonight at the union. They were badass.
Now I conclude with an advertisement:
I NEED MONEY DESPERATELY. It's getting cold out. Are you bare-necked? Bare-headed? I can knit you a custom scarf, hat or a matching set for a modest fee plus shipping.
Here's my buddy Amy, modelling the scarf I knit her last Christmas:
Message me if you're interested!
My room looks like a fast food cemetary. Roy has been endearingly obsessed with the McDonald's monopoly game and I'm still trying to kick my Wendy's habit. Fortunately the dominate smell is of the snicker doodle cookies in my fridge. I need to clean but I'm lazy and anti-social -- I think the mess is my subconcious excuse for never leaving my door open. A messy living space is like emotional insulation.
My mom sent me a beautiful bamboo plant, inside it's own china pot with tiny decorative rocks and all. It's sitting on my desk next to two empty Yoplait Light containers.
I saw Maps + Atlases tonight at the union. They were badass.
Now I conclude with an advertisement:
I NEED MONEY DESPERATELY. It's getting cold out. Are you bare-necked? Bare-headed? I can knit you a custom scarf, hat or a matching set for a modest fee plus shipping.
Here's my buddy Amy, modelling the scarf I knit her last Christmas:

Message me if you're interested!