I've been doing some more modeling since the summer. I have a model mayham account so if you want to hit me up feel free. I'm taking 6 classes again even though I told myself it would only be five but I was asked by a professor to take his grad course and I accepted (I'm still an undergrad but he recommended that i take some grad courses). I'm alos planning to volunteer as a docent at the claifornia academy of sciences in Golden Gate Park for the Evolution Exhibit which i'm excited about. I'm pretty busy...as usual but I'm making sure to keep up with having a social life. On monday I want to the DNA Lounge to do this short fashion art film and afterwards we stuck around and danced the night away to some depeche mode nad joy division. So MUCH FUN!!! I'll be sure to put the video up once were done filming
Much love!!! ( I used to care about the spelling on this blog but now I DONT GIVE A FUCK!!!! this is my blog

Madonna this Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Much love!!! ( I used to care about the spelling on this blog but now I DONT GIVE A FUCK!!!! this is my blog

Madonna this Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great! Sounds like you have a lot of great things happening for you! I am happy. Aaaaaand you look perfectly gorgeous as usual.
I saw you in a book at Barnes and Noodle. Wish I remember the name of it. You looked great!