Going back to San Diego on Tuesday for a month. I will be spending my break from work and school, devoted to reading, exercising, sleeping, tanning and watching as many independent films as I can see at the Hillcrest Landmark Theater and the Ken cinema. I'm planning to go see The King's Speech with Helena Bonham Carter

and 127 Hours, also the Black Swan and the new Sofia Coppola film, "Somewhere."
I love Sofia Coppola. I really want to have sex with both Sofia and Helena

I had a great last week. I spent some time with some of my friends and with my friend nick from Washington D.C. We saw The Black Crows twice and I went to a really nice party and scored a shit load of books. I'll be reading Zadie Smith's The Autograph Man soon, a book I got for free.

I'm done with work but...I still have one more fucking test. It's Archaeology and to be honest with you I love Archaeology. It's just studying for it : P After my test I will be hanging out with some friends and co-workers. I bought my room-mate a shrunken head on Haight Street, something she's wanted for a long time : )

To be honest, this semester has gone by pretty fucking fast. I just want to say to those of you that I have not talked to, Im not ignoring you. I just had a lot to handle this semester. I never had a real job so balancing work and school was a new experience for me. Plus I met more photographers and I'm starting to model more. I promise to write back to you all more often!
I like being busy though, but it's just so weird going from not doing anything and having plenty of downtime to study to all of a sudden being constantly busy. I do have fun along the way and I'm glad for that.
Anyways Ill be studying all day tomorrow and then some partying then it's off to San Diego. Most likely I will also take greyhound up to Los Angeles for a weekend or so. Shit, I was not expecting to be in So-Cal for a month. I don't have a suit case, only huge tote bags so I'll be looking like a crazy punk bag lady at SFO.
Much love and happy holidays or non-holidays

(Photo by Charles Gatewood, other pics from Google
Welcome back to San Diego.
they went great, I don't know if I would say it is hot. It has been raining the past few days.