aww I just realized how much I miss travelingso glad that I had the chance, due to my mum,to visit so many places on earth at my young age.
though we have our differences from time to time Im so thankful for that.The earth can be an amazing place.we just have to open our eyes. We should cherish nature much more than we do. I could spend the whole day walking around, starring at trees and lakes and flowers..driving my car with great music without a real goal..just stopping by wherever and whenever I want.
I miss london and amsterdam, I miss Canada and fuck I miss the US.. I miss spain so much and franceI spent the past 3 years with studying, learning and working..when I stopped by at some country or city I couldnt even really enjoy itI was overloaded with work. I gotta change that a bit in 2013. I hope I can save some money to finally visit sweden.big dream. And I definately have to visit my aunt in spain. at least for 1 or 2 weeks.I need sun. Oh and new york is also calling..fuck I have to rob a bank. just sayin..:-)

Love your set!
Well, I hope you'll get your studies and work done with soon so you can travel again!