day 04 :a song that makes you sad ( makes you cry like a baby :-) )
this song is absolutely's so true, it's a masterpiece.this song leaves me speechless everytime. And I can't find the right words to describe whats going on inside of me when I listen to it.
can't make up a story to that one.think no one was ever able to put that feeling better in words and notes than trent.
On their last concert I was crying like a fucking baby.It was the last song and I really couldn't stop crying for 10 minutes or something :-) It simply touched me so heavily.
It was a little awkward, I'm sure people thought I was crying so hard because they broke up and it was their last tour hah it was just the song though.
A lot of people still believe that this song is a johnny Cash its not- the originally song is by NIN.
And I stopped liking Cash as he covered it
I think he destroyed the whole atmosphere with his reinterpretation.It's just my opinion but I really don't like his cover.
Jap Hurt is a song that makes me sad.But there are a lot of other feelings that this song's so powerful It does not cause a feeling of weakness.
NIN is one of my favorite bands by the way.
this song is absolutely's so true, it's a masterpiece.this song leaves me speechless everytime. And I can't find the right words to describe whats going on inside of me when I listen to it.
can't make up a story to that one.think no one was ever able to put that feeling better in words and notes than trent.
On their last concert I was crying like a fucking baby.It was the last song and I really couldn't stop crying for 10 minutes or something :-) It simply touched me so heavily.
It was a little awkward, I'm sure people thought I was crying so hard because they broke up and it was their last tour hah it was just the song though.
A lot of people still believe that this song is a johnny Cash its not- the originally song is by NIN.
And I stopped liking Cash as he covered it

Jap Hurt is a song that makes me sad.But there are a lot of other feelings that this song's so powerful It does not cause a feeling of weakness.
NIN is one of my favorite bands by the way.

From Anathema. Feat Anneke Van Giesbergen
Im not such a fan of The Gathering, but Anneke has a great voice and sounds great singing Parisienne Moonlight!
and it's definitely one of the most heartbreaking songs ever!