hello new friends!!!!
Its now day 2 since the publication of my set and I never ever thought it'll do so great.
I mean holy shit- I am still speechless.you guys make me speechless and I wanna thank every single one of u!
comments are still increasing and I get tons of friend request.
I try to answer everything as soon as I can.Don't mind if it takes a little longer I will reply.word!
I wanna thank andrea lavezzaro again for the effort she made!
it wasn't a simple shooting where photographer and model were coming together.
I remember we talked a year ago about SG and then contact broke and we lost sight of each other.
I had an account here, but a friend of mine made it, so it was his email.I never got any mails and she was trying so hard to get intouch with me till she finally found me on FB ( a year later)
I think she is one of the reasons why I decided to become a SG, we had a good vibe and she as an amazing photographer she's cute and lovely and makes people feel comfortable in their own skin.
and I dont regret anything!!! It was the best decision.
I love it here, I love you guys, I love everything.
and now that i have a bunch of friends here together, sharing blogs makes more sense now
I love writing about my feelings, about my day, about my thoughts ( which can be very weird sometimes)
sometimes I am hopeless poetic
and sometimes I'm a mess
sometimes I'm just drunk
it's time for some coffee
much love miau

Its now day 2 since the publication of my set and I never ever thought it'll do so great.
I mean holy shit- I am still speechless.you guys make me speechless and I wanna thank every single one of u!
comments are still increasing and I get tons of friend request.
I try to answer everything as soon as I can.Don't mind if it takes a little longer I will reply.word!
I wanna thank andrea lavezzaro again for the effort she made!
it wasn't a simple shooting where photographer and model were coming together.
I remember we talked a year ago about SG and then contact broke and we lost sight of each other.
I had an account here, but a friend of mine made it, so it was his email.I never got any mails and she was trying so hard to get intouch with me till she finally found me on FB ( a year later)
I think she is one of the reasons why I decided to become a SG, we had a good vibe and she as an amazing photographer she's cute and lovely and makes people feel comfortable in their own skin.
and I dont regret anything!!! It was the best decision.
I love it here, I love you guys, I love everything.
and now that i have a bunch of friends here together, sharing blogs makes more sense now

I love writing about my feelings, about my day, about my thoughts ( which can be very weird sometimes)
sometimes I am hopeless poetic

sometimes I'm just drunk

it's time for some coffee
much love miau

Perfect that you two were able to reconnect and make some beautiful art. Looking forward to more sets and blogs in the future.