Do you like looking at mountains or rocks?
i like rocks. mountains are too played out. haha.
Look at rocks from the top of a mountain. wink biggrin
Occasionally I revisit my old favorite, Mutations by Beck. By track 5 I am singing harmony with Beck, usually before.

I am going to graduate school for architecture next year. If I had my choice Id go to Oregon or Washington because Seattle and Portland are kicking appendages. Beyond this, their respective programs have a positive attitude regarding the environment and the future of humanity....
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Hurrah!are you a mystic genie in disguise?
In that case I'd wish for my own personal hugging monster, he'd be blue and furry like in the cupasoup ad and he'd hug meat least every 5 minutes and at night he'd be like a giant teddy bear spoon to keep me cosy smile
I am a total hugglebunnie blush
I love really windy bridges
Today I had the urge to dress like trailer trash...mmm tacky
biggrin kiss
I think the skateboard ideas are great. I always looked for stuff that I could grind. wink

If I jumped off something right now I would probably break something. tongue
I have a hard time blaming people for anything that they do. Though I believe in the power of choice and also believe that it is a distinct choice that we all must make to either make choices or to choose not to make choices. Its simple really. But, it gets me in trouble having this viewpoint. It allows me to dismiss the awful...
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I also believe that every thing we do is because of experiences, good and bad, that have ingrained themselves in our subconcious since childhood..although saying this it is very important not to try and blame your mistakes on other people, they are entirely your own which is what makes them so valuable..

Bloomin eck...I almost sound intelligent! biggrin

[Edited on Nov 30, 2005 9:48AM]
I have never felt the need to put a gun to someone's head in order to 'encourage' them to pick a flavour of pasta. Sandwich filling maybe. Pizza certainly. Ahem.

In Chicago visiting my sister. We get spicy food and see movies from time to time. After eating we buy tickets and walked past the concessions stand. My sister smells popcorn and asks me to buy some. Its a silly game we play. I tell her that she wont eat it and that she only likes the idea of movies and popcorn together. I buy...
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yeah...bitter cold...what a bummer. that might hinder the 'drinking coffee outside' idea...but im down for coffee sometime.
Wasting is a bad thing to do. Recycling is a good thing. Recycling requires energy, melting bottles, crushing, trucking, shredding, forming. Using energy is bad. I dont think about this sort of thing as much as I should. The world is set up so that we act in the most convenient ways. This means we do bad things without even thinking about it. It is a burden to think of better ways to live. It is a greater burden to do what is right. I am 24,and theres so much more, to be done. I want my net effect on this earth to be positive. I want to be righteous.
I have a hard time blaming people for anything that they do. Though I believe in the power of choice and also believe that it is a distinct choice that we all must make to either make choices or to choose not to make choices. Its simple really. But, it gets me in trouble having this viewpoint. It allows me to dismiss the awful things people do as, the result of a poor childhood, or lack of education, ect. The only way I can understand this is by recognizing that I dont want to believe people choose to do bad things. I believe everyone wants to be good, to be liked, and to be happy. Even if this is true, it doesnt mean that in the persuit of good, happy, and likable things people arent misguided or guided by a value or belief that is wrong, mistaken, or just contradictory to my own set of values and beliefs. I think it is important to be careful with my own beliefs because they have misguided me in the past. Without confidence in my own philosophical foundation, I have little to judge other people by. I still manage to do it, but thats cool.
In my life people have given me so much kindness and love that I have enormous faith in humanity. But I am lucky, though luck has nothing to do with it. It isnt luck. I have had a good and comfortable life among others who have had the same. The freedom and prosperity I was born into is nothing more that the stolen privilege to be the pimps of the world. That is to take without giving, to enslave.
The country I live in is at war. We have lost 2,000 some soldiers, boys, and we all know how irresponsible boys get with guns and fear and group mentalities and more fear and notions of pride in false ideas like freedom and nationalism. The Iraqis have lost over an estimated 100,000. Mind you these are not all people who signed up to fight, they are children and fathers and mother and all those wonderful names we use to call the people we love by. I find myself asking the terrifying question, what would I do? How could I possibly know? The reality is that Iraq is in the middle of a civil war and we started it.
In life I believe we do what we can. Knowing what we are capable of doing is the most empowering bit of knowledge we can obtain. Knowing what we have done is to know ourselves. I wish empowerment and self-awareness for everyone.
I studied political science in college. Thomas Paine wrote this same shit 270 years ago to a public that could read and didnt care about much more that feeding their families through the winter. They got off their asses. How on earth are we going to motivate the people of our time to do what is right?
I like to joke around as much as the next. Occasionally I am struck with a serious thought. What the hell are we doing? I think that the world is going to hell as a result of lies, laziness, and greed. What is it going to take for people to start doing what is right and stop those who do harm to the world and...
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That's a really sweet entry kiss
No, I am arachnophobic
The screaming brats

Of course it was written about me biggrin

no, pull MY hair ARRR!!!
here is my favorite falling story...once i was with my friend at a really crowded movie theatre, and we were at the top. a little boy was holding his mothers hand, and in the mothers other hand was one of the cardboard trays with drinks, and popcorn, and nachos...oh, the nachos...anyroad, the little boy tripped on one of the steps, and took his mommy down with him. overpriced food and drink, and nacho cheese everywhere....come on, now, who wouldnt laugh ridiculously hard at that...apparently everyone but me. my friend was so embarrased at my...um...gaffawing...she wanted to leave. wow, i sound like an asshole, but everyone was okay...so im justified.

and the answer to your tombstone question, ive never been to mountain view, but i really dig the one on piedmont. hmm..what would mine say...nothing, because i will be cremated, and donate most of my remains to science...cause im a nerd like that. im on the list for gunther von hagens plastination research. so i can scare little children...
I love the Lovemakers for two reasons. One, they are from Oakland and I got all sorts of nationalism toward my home town. Two, Scott Blonde and Lisa Light are the most attractive human beings on the planet when they are on stage. I guess there is a third reason, keyboard guy deserves a big yeah! Alright I dont mean to sound like a jerk...
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If I were trying to decide whether to kill someone or spare their life I would ask them that question. Along with these others;

Eskimo or Indian?

Toffee or Fudge?

Innie or Outie?

Alligators or Crocodiles?
When I was little, a poster on my wall showed Abraham Lincolns face. Written below was a number of rules that all should follow when within the bounds of good conduct. The most notable was of course to, never spit into fires. This rule is by far the most comical, but as I found, the most difficult to follow. Boy, how I love spitting into...
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thats a silly question...but i laugh...and blush, but i laugh anyways. what do you do?
I called my friend last Sunday. He told me that he was worried. I asked why. After hesitating he told me that the condom broke while he was dogging the night before. My response was of course, awesome! Not because I think it is cool when people are at risk of making little unwanted filthy creatures or that it is fun to expose yourself or...
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Ok, here's ten for you to try ...

(1) Come on, you can't get pregnant again.

(2) Hi I make more money than you can spend

(3) What's a nice girl like you doing with a face like that?

(4) I want you to have my children, in fact you can have them right now. They're out in the car.

(5) Be unique and different, say yes

(6) I'm easy are you?

(7) If I were to ask you for sex, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?

(8) I'm gonna have sex with you, you and you. Alright who's first?

(9) Hi, will you help me find my lost puppy. I think he went into this cheap motel room across the street.

(10) Believe it or not, getting laid is still hard when you're this good looking.
You don't sweat much for a fat girl biggrin
My personal fav.
Can't you at least try and telepathically transport yourself here so you can write it for me? ARRR!!!
We should all get out of habit of asking stupid questions. The reason why I eat so much dairy is because it tastes so good.

Other than that, the hot shower i took didn't do squat for my head ache. Pills and Ice cream are new up for solutions. I don't care for pills.
Yeah forget the pills just eat the ice cream.......mmmmmmmmmmm biggrin
I think Scotland actually has the highest rate of alcoholism in Europe. I'm so proud! biggrin Apparently Scottish people drink the way American people eat... scary! biggrin ARRR!!!
travelling to me is a challenge. going to a new place where you 'don't know anything'- yes i agree- gives you a chance to see things in yourself you wouldn't otherwise see because of the fog of comfortability. spinning your wheels is never good.

that being said, sitting still for years isn't exactly comfortable at all. it's just a time in my life when sitting still isn't a sentence or an option. i'm too young to sit and get to know myself. i've maxed that out for the time being.

ps. i'm a big fan of dairy.
I got to learn how to work faster. Perfectionism is the deal I deal. No, that's a lie. I tried to post a picture of myself being weird on this journal but it didn't work. I give up, then give it up on the dance floor with the dancing shoes and the friday night singing that happens just as often as it can. Other than...
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that idea is definately the closest to world peace as we'll ever get...everybody loves the b-52s, right? everybody does a little jig to strobelight....yeah?
I am going to have a minnesota weekend. I got a sweet costume for halloween. It involves chaps and a face paint. Rodeo Clown. I expect to get roughed up by playing the part.