For your Valentine's Day pleasure...
Me and the moon
And the breeze off the sea,
Were laying here missing you,
Alone we three.
The moon reminds me
How it shined on you
And the sea breeze gloats
It caressed your face
As you closed your eyes,
As you closed your sweet eyes.
This is why
Im a fool
And heartbreak is
A charismatic tool.
Cause you cant capture
sunshine in a jar.
You dance like light beams.
You are the star
. In my eyes
. In my eyes
This is why
My thoughts arent free.
The ocean you love
Remembrances you to me,
And the herbal scents
You always know
Whisper your name
Craftily low.
No! My thoughts arent free.
Im not free.
So rise up, oh bright moon!
And blow strong, oh salty breeze!
Ill take their tales of you
Since youre not here with me.
Here with me.
Me and the moon
And the breeze off the sea,
Were laying here missing you,
Alone we three.
The moon reminds me
How it shined on you
And the sea breeze gloats
It caressed your face
As you closed your eyes,
As you closed your sweet eyes.
This is why
Im a fool
And heartbreak is
A charismatic tool.
Cause you cant capture
sunshine in a jar.
You dance like light beams.
You are the star
. In my eyes
. In my eyes
This is why
My thoughts arent free.
The ocean you love
Remembrances you to me,
And the herbal scents
You always know
Whisper your name
Craftily low.
No! My thoughts arent free.
Im not free.
So rise up, oh bright moon!
And blow strong, oh salty breeze!
Ill take their tales of you
Since youre not here with me.
Here with me.
Hey at least you got to laugh, cry, and be happy on valentines! Mine went ok worked all day! Got to eat junk food aka comfort food so it was all good! lol
Yea I am a mutt.. Half brazilian , half italian! I am an aries so it can be a fiesty combo! lol..... My place is a town house. Two bedroom its pretty nice. I can't wait to move in! You can come over and we'll watch some good ole movies and get drunk!lol.....ahhh..........I am so weird past 10 o'clock

..that pic is about 3-4 months old .. Ive been kinda slacking and haven't really taken anything "good" ... the "models" are pissing me off and Im not really feeling creative at the moment ... maybe when spring comes,,,,it will get the creative juices flowing