Happy Memorial day
I am working today...well if you can call playing hair and nails with a beautiful girl working then.... I am. My tattoo artist is coming over to my salon for me to touch up her long black and blue hair and then were going to HER shop and she is going to take care of my tattoo needs. I will finish my necklace and birds around my neck and extend it onto my back and down a shoulder. I want to hang a cameo from it on my back. I suppose Ill just have to post photos later of the process. Either way I am really excited about it. It just may be my favorite tat to date.
I hope you do something beautiful with your time on Memorial weekend and I hope you are off an extra day.Rest, swim, grill, do whatever it is you do. Ill also be out there riding my motorcycle. Have great sex...spend time with family...you've earned it!

And that stupid bird is STILL attacking my car when I don't cover the mirrors!!