Today I get to substitute teach at my old high school. Should be interesting
More Blogs
Sunday Oct 23, 2011
starting the 12 hour drive to Portsmouth, VA -
Saturday Oct 22, 2011
So tomorrow morning, early I head to Portsmouth, Va to start almost 6… -
Tuesday Oct 04, 2011
I have a test tomorrow at work that I am not ready for. True it doesn… -
Tuesday Sep 27, 2011
Wow it seem like everyone I have on my friends list has a blog entry … -
Saturday Sep 24, 2011
About time to run some errands. I think I will hurry through this, ma… -
Tuesday Sep 20, 2011
So I get to do some real work on the shipyard tomorrow . A new boat i… -
Thursday Sep 15, 2011
Just in case you wondered where my statement above came from. I lo… -
Wednesday Sep 14, 2011
So I am going to be visiting the great state of Vermont and my friend… -
Saturday Sep 10, 2011
Eating a McDonalds Apple pie, and updating my journal. Doing it big i… -
Tuesday Sep 06, 2011
Okay so I have passed the written exam to my last qualifier at work -…