Well...it's been a while, hasn't it?
I'm sitting here sipping on a delicious cup of coffee, after a delicious night out at the bar. Cinder's walking around the house, being cute as a button in her yellow pj's. I figure the last journal's been up long enough, so here's something new to chew on.
I've been m.i.a. for a while due to stress at work, and planning a wedding. (I owe a lot of friends phone calls, and email responses. Lucas, Sam, and Eric...don't give up on me! I'm crawling back out of my hole, I swear!) The wedding turned out amazing, as you'll see in the photos below. Vegas (my first time, and the bride's first time!!) was an incredible experience. Spent a few bucks, lost a few bucks, had some great food, the best company ever, and even got my first sunburn since childhood! I have every intention of going back SOON. But the job? Not so much. I was working for a talent agency for a few months, and ended up quitting due to the high levels of stress and psychosis in the office. And I'm not talking normal job stress...that I can handle. It was more like "Are you fucking kidding me? I could cut the animosity in the air with a butter knife" type of stress. Everyone in the office was against one another, not to mention one of my bosses, who we'll just call "Golden Years Boss" is truly on the verge of senility. It's wasn't really something I needed projected in my direction 8.5 hours a day. Especially for the pennies a day they were paying me, which caused more financial stress than I care to discuss. So, I may have two dollars to my name, but I know I made the right decision leaving. And if I've proven anything over the last year, it's definitely that I'm great at finding the next job just in the nick of time.
In other non-stress/job/financial news, I'm great. Cinder is a DREAM roommate, and fucking cool to boot. Her, LanaPants, and I have been spending significant amounts of time at the bar...and loving ever minute of it. If you head down to Burgundy Room on any night of the week, we're probably already there. And can be easily identified by our ridiculous "Outdated Dance Move Wars", or our loud obnoxious conversations held entirely in Double Talk.
And in final news, I have the most amazing boyfriend ever. He's gorgeous and sweet, although he'll heavily protest otherwise. We went to see the new Indiana Jones movie the other night...a 3:30am showing! I don't think I can't explain how surreal it is to have a full night out, then go to a movie, and come out of the theatre just after the break of dawn. It's almost as if you passed through the day, and came out the other end, looking at it from the wrong side. I rather enjoyed it. Someone please remind me to spend more nights out like that, just experiencing things as they are, instead of being stuck in my head and missing it all. As for the actual film, it was action cheese-tastic. I kinda loved it. Yes, there were some things I wouldn't have ever put in the movie, but overall I'll say they did a great job. I can't imagine it would be easy to take such a heavily loved classic trilogy, and attempt to updated it for a new generation's tastes and short attention spans. Not many have succeeded. (::cough::: Star Wars :::cough:::: ) So, for what it was, Indy was great.
And now? The photos.
Enjoy. I'll be back to update again...eventually. <3
Manda, BraveArt, Maxx and I went to a 33 Degrees show on the West Side.
Clearly the best way to follow that up is with a Taco Bell parking lot picnic!!
I'm sitting here sipping on a delicious cup of coffee, after a delicious night out at the bar. Cinder's walking around the house, being cute as a button in her yellow pj's. I figure the last journal's been up long enough, so here's something new to chew on.
I've been m.i.a. for a while due to stress at work, and planning a wedding. (I owe a lot of friends phone calls, and email responses. Lucas, Sam, and Eric...don't give up on me! I'm crawling back out of my hole, I swear!) The wedding turned out amazing, as you'll see in the photos below. Vegas (my first time, and the bride's first time!!) was an incredible experience. Spent a few bucks, lost a few bucks, had some great food, the best company ever, and even got my first sunburn since childhood! I have every intention of going back SOON. But the job? Not so much. I was working for a talent agency for a few months, and ended up quitting due to the high levels of stress and psychosis in the office. And I'm not talking normal job stress...that I can handle. It was more like "Are you fucking kidding me? I could cut the animosity in the air with a butter knife" type of stress. Everyone in the office was against one another, not to mention one of my bosses, who we'll just call "Golden Years Boss" is truly on the verge of senility. It's wasn't really something I needed projected in my direction 8.5 hours a day. Especially for the pennies a day they were paying me, which caused more financial stress than I care to discuss. So, I may have two dollars to my name, but I know I made the right decision leaving. And if I've proven anything over the last year, it's definitely that I'm great at finding the next job just in the nick of time.

In other non-stress/job/financial news, I'm great. Cinder is a DREAM roommate, and fucking cool to boot. Her, LanaPants, and I have been spending significant amounts of time at the bar...and loving ever minute of it. If you head down to Burgundy Room on any night of the week, we're probably already there. And can be easily identified by our ridiculous "Outdated Dance Move Wars", or our loud obnoxious conversations held entirely in Double Talk.

And in final news, I have the most amazing boyfriend ever. He's gorgeous and sweet, although he'll heavily protest otherwise. We went to see the new Indiana Jones movie the other night...a 3:30am showing! I don't think I can't explain how surreal it is to have a full night out, then go to a movie, and come out of the theatre just after the break of dawn. It's almost as if you passed through the day, and came out the other end, looking at it from the wrong side. I rather enjoyed it. Someone please remind me to spend more nights out like that, just experiencing things as they are, instead of being stuck in my head and missing it all. As for the actual film, it was action cheese-tastic. I kinda loved it. Yes, there were some things I wouldn't have ever put in the movie, but overall I'll say they did a great job. I can't imagine it would be easy to take such a heavily loved classic trilogy, and attempt to updated it for a new generation's tastes and short attention spans. Not many have succeeded. (::cough::: Star Wars :::cough:::: ) So, for what it was, Indy was great.
And now? The photos.
Enjoy. I'll be back to update again...eventually. <3
Manda, BraveArt, Maxx and I went to a 33 Degrees show on the West Side.
Clearly the best way to follow that up is with a Taco Bell parking lot picnic!!
Kitty. Manda and I getting dressed for a night out.
Viva Las Vegas (The Nights Out)!!
Viva Las Vegas (The Wedding)...Which my camera died shortly before the start of...
Call me back biatch. Friday night it's on.